thirty - the nate hate train

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"maybe she got hit by a bus," isaac suggested

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"maybe she got hit by a bus," isaac suggested. 

rain frowned, tablet in hand, "what have i walked into?"

"i messed up with this woman on bantr," sam explained.

"statistically it is more likely that she lost interest in the relationship," jan maas added. 

jamie grabbed his phone, "maybe she went back and saw how lame these texts are. my favourite films ratatoulie."

the others laughed

rain nudged him, "don't worry, sam. if it was meant to be it'll be. you're a catch, anonymous or not. plus, ratatoullie is pixar's magnum opus. it's about snobbery and how good art can come from anywhere. pretty ironic that they're taking the piss out of that."

"thank you rain, it doesn't matter if- oh three dots, three dots!"

there were collective groans of disappointment as rain moved to show the new images to ted and the three dots disappeared. 


alarm bells did ring in rain's head when rebecca mentioned that she was having problems with the guy on bantr as well, and hadn't replied to the guy in like two days. kinda like sam's mystery woman. 

she had so many doubts. 

and it was how rebecca finally saw a glimpse into keeley and roy's real relationship. it wasn't perfect like she thought. and rain knew that. keeley had mentioned needing space and not getting it. 

"and you and roy are just aggravatingly perfect in every way," rebecca told.

"oh, thank you." she paused, like she wanted to say more. "i don't know. it was definitely easier when we didn't work together. i just feel like we're around each other all the time, wherever i go, it's like he's my shadow. my adorably hairy shadow, but-"

roy began walking into the office. 

"hey, roy," rain cheered, knowing it seemed less weird when she did it.

however, their cover was blown by rebecca and higgins scatting. 

"were you talking about me?" roy asked. 

"yeah we were talking about you."

"oh, big woop. are you ready to go?" he replied. 


rain had colin sitting in her office ranting to her about nate treating him badly. she was honoured he felt safe enough to tell her about what he had said but she was heartbroken that nate would say he was average at football.

she moved from her side of the desk, sitting next to him. she waited for him to hug her, which he did almost instantly. 

"you are a strong and capable man, colin," she comforted. "and an amazing player. fuck what nate said. i don't care if he's the wonder kid or not, i'm gonna murder him for making you feel less than."

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