fifty-four - injuries

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rain cheered for jamie the second she heard the booing for the man begin

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rain cheered for jamie the second she heard the booing for the man begin. he glanced across the field to see her there, hands cupped around her mouth, camera hanging around her neck and he'd never been more grateful for her presence.

"c'mon babe, prove them wrong," she yelled.

she could feel the camera on her as she yelled but did nothing differently. she clapped as jamie nodded her way, waving. she waved back, blowing him a kiss.

"you guys got this," she screamed. "i feel it in my bones."

the players that heard her smiled.

the match wasn't off to a good start. she could see the booing was getting to jamie as they played and he kept getting tackled.

but that didn't stop him from assisting in their first goal. he was thinking ahead and it showed.

"they're gonna be on jamie like fucking crazy," she warned. "they know he's their biggest threat, he's just proved it."

she was right. she watched as jamie kept getting tackled. and not nicely. on top of that, man city kept trying to score. van damme was amazing, stopping each one.

the final one, jamie managed to leap, kicking it away. rain caught it on camera, realising seconds after, he'd landed strangely.

"guys," she exclaimed. "jamie's injured."

they frowned, not seeing evidence for it yet. then he didn't get up. the others tried to help him up but he did it himself, limping onto the field. he stopped halfway, falling back to the ground.

he lay down.

"guys," she spoke, louder this time. first aid were on it, helping him limp off.

"c'mon, we'll check on him," ted spoke, knowing she was worrying about him.

they went over, ted agreeing for them to play with ten men.

"hey babe," she greeted, kneeling next to him as first aid tried to help him. she took pictures from beside him. "how you feeling?"


"yeah, you fell pretty hard."

he winced, "yeah."

she caught photos of every single goal van damme saved. he was doing amazing. she didn't leave jamie's side the entire time.

"holy shit, he's on fire," she gasped.

"rain, i'm okay here, go back to them," jamie assured.

"you sure?"


she leant down, pecking him on the cheek, "don't play if you can't, okay?"



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