forty-eight - leaked

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(smut warning)

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(smut warning)

afc richmond were on a role. total football was working phenomenally for them. they'd won four matches in a row. 

rain was at home, while jamie slept, since he was overly tired since he was getting up super early for roy's training. 

skye was sitting at the counter, eating the dinner rain had dished up for her. rain stared at her phone as it vibrated once more. a familiar name popped up and she elected to ignore it.

"your phone will not stop," skye complained. 

rain sighed, "it's mum and dad. they keep bugging me to get you to talk to them."

"what? why haven't you blocked them?"

rain shrugged, "i'm waiting until you decide whether you want to see them again or not or until they actually form an apology that i can show you."

skye didn't say it but a part of her appreciated it. she didn't want to cut them off completely. and in her anger she had deleted their numbers after blocking them. 

they were her parents, apart from recent events, they'd always been good to her. but it was the not being good to rain that made her leave. she hated how they treated her and no matter how badly she wished she could just forget them, she couldn't. 

she wanted her parents love. just like rain.

after a long pause, skye spoke quietly, "thanks, rain."



rain was not expecting to wake up to a news article showing that both her and keeley had had pictures and videos of themselves leaked. but she did.

some huge data leak had ended in several women in the same situation. 

"no, no, no," she muttered, scrolling through the article. she felt tears prick her eyes. "fuck. how the fuck?"

ke(e)y(leey) to my heart is calling...

"rain, have you-"

"yep. both of us," she replied. "how the fuck did they get leaked?"

keeley shivered slightly, thinking of how many people had seen the video, "i don't know... did you watch mine?"

"no, no way, i wouldn't do that to you, it's not even meant to be on the internet. it was clearly meant for jamie and only jamie," she assured. 


"you've seen mine, haven't you?" rain questioned. 

"i didn't mean to, i swear, i was looking at mine and yours was right there above it and-"

rain sighed, "it's fine, keeley, accidentally seeing a picture is different to watching a full video."

"how'd you know it was for jamie?"

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