thirty-seven - magazine covers

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rain was staring at the cover on her phone

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rain was staring at the cover on her phone. it was real. she was on the cover of a magazine that hit shelves the day before. she was gonna be in supermarkets around the uk. it wasn't as big as vanity fair, she knew that but she was still so excited. 

she was in a magazine talking about her love for sports and her journey (minus some of the more gory details). 

rainyday: so you're girl was on the cover of women's health and you should defo buy it if you want to

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rainyday: so you're girl was on the cover of women's health and you should defo buy it if you want to... like only if you want... but you want to, right?

keeleyjones: my best friend is so fucking hot omg
rainyday: you taking applications for a girlfriend cause damn girl...

samobisanya: i am so proud of you raindrop
rainyday: thanks sammy, love you x

jamietartt: proud of you
rainyday: thanks bestie :)

rain cringed at her phone. she was trying so hard for people to not realise she and jamie were dating she was friend-zoning him online. 

"bestie, really?" he asked as he walked into the living room. 

"i panicked," she admitted, looking up from her phone. "babe, put your dick away, skye's due home today."

skye had agreed to see their parents for a night, after they begged her. rain was against it, she had made that clear, but she had also made it clear that skye was an adult and if she felt comfortable and happy with the decision to see them, then she wasn't going to stop her. they were still her parents and they still treated her like she was their child. but skye was only comfortable going knowing she was an adult and could leave whenever she wanted to. she was letting them say their piece. rain had never gotten any of that, so she would never understand wanting to see them, at least that's what she told skye. 

in truth, she did. she desperately wanted to see them and for them to love her like they did when she was a child. but she knew that was a dream and nothing more. it was a twisted relationship, no matter what they did or how they treated her, she still craved their love and attention and praise. she'd even debated unblocking them for half a second when skye broke the news that she had agreed to talk to them.

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