thirty-two - shitty dad club

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the team were playing at wembley for the semi-finals and the pitch was huge

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the team were playing at wembley for the semi-finals and the pitch was huge. they were taking it all in and rain was snapping photos of the team as ted gave a pep talk. (not a very good one as he didn't even know the pitches were all different sizes or that it wasn't where live aid was held).

she fell into step with jamie, who seemed slightly off.

"you good, jamie?" she whispered.

he turned to her, nodding, "yeah. me dad is coming to the game."

"so not good then."

"not really."

rain wrapped an arm around him, remembering that even before she realised her feelings, she would have done this, "whatever happens i'm so fucking proud of you, jamie. like so proud. you're an amazing player, no matter what shit your dad says. okay?"

he stared at her lips as she spoke, "thanks rain. i- thanks."

she smiled up at him, "no problem jamie. i mean it, don't forget that. ever."

"that sounded threatening."

"it was a threat."


ted, beard and roy watched their interaction, the latter two not liking how close the pair were one bit. especially roy.


rain was not having fun running up and down the wembley stadium pitch to get photos of the game, but she had to. she was getting a lot of pictures of their horrible loss. it even included an own goal. she sighed when nate called the ref a dickless wonder.

"come on, guys," she yelled. "you've got this."

but her words did not help. they lost 5-0. she waited on the sidelines as jamie walked towards her. he'd ended up not too far away from her when the game ended, and decided she was the one he needed to see at that moment. she noticed him making a beeline towards her, so she held out her arms, so he could walk straight into a hug. 

"i'm still proud of you," she muttered.

"i sucked."

she pulled away from the hug, "maybe. but you tried. that's the main point."

neither of them cared about the commentators speculating on their relationship as they watched them hold each other. they'd do that every time she hugged a player after a win or a loss. sam was the most popular, they were saying every other week that the two must be dating. 


the changing rooms were quiet as rain sat with sam leaning against her, until one of the security let jamie's dad in, with jamie's permission.

the man popped his head round the door, "are you decent?"

rain sat up straighter, knocking sam slightly who glanced at her confused. she was on high alert the moment the man showed his face.

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