forty nine - coming out

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enjoy a bit of a longer chapter bc football has not come home

jamie had begun to walk on eggshells around rain following her nudes being leaked

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jamie had begun to walk on eggshells around rain following her nudes being leaked. it was putting a damper on her already shitty mood. having your nudes leaked was fucking horrible. she'd received an influx of unsolicited images from mainly male fans as well as explicit dm's and so much hate. all because she took some private images that some asshole decided to leak to the world. 

it wasn't her fault. and besides, she'd done nude shoots before this. there was something about non-consensually leaking private photos that made the masses go wild apparently. 

she was a bad role model and a slut. sure, she'd gotten that kind of thing before when she did her topless photoshoots, but none like these.  

her parents' texts had gone from tame and asking her to get skye to talk to them with a sprinkling of emotional abuse to full-blown insults. 

the whole situation had stoked the fire and she didn't know what to do. she had blocked them but that didn't stop them. they had social media and email addresses, and it felt like she was sent more every time she blocked one or deleted the messages. 

to add to it all, keeley and jack had broken up. keeley had sent her tons of texts without a response and it was safe to say she was being ghosted. 

a 'digital irish goodbye' as ted called it.

the upside was that he gave keeley and rain biscuits as well, keeley's having money in it too to cheer her up. (ted didn't know she was going to be there until that morning).

keeley turned to rain, "so, who shit in your cereal?"

rain sighed, grabbing her phone, and showing them the newest email in a long list of emails, "three guesses."

"what the actual fuck?" keeley exclaimed, showing the phone to rebecca. 

"fucking wankers," rebecca hissed. 

rain took her phone back, "i keep blocking them but they're like the fucking mythological creature that keeps gaining heads."

"the hydra."

she frowned, "yeah that thing. i just- they love skye to pieces and i don't want to stop her from having a relationship with them but i can't deal with them, it's sucking the life out of me."

keeley leaned across her, hugging her, "i'm sorry."

she hugged her back, "it's not your fault."

rebecca shook her head, "no! fuck that! skye wouldn't want a relationship with them if she knew what they were doing. why aren't you telling her?"

"i'm her older sister. i'm meant to shelter her, at least a little."

"you can't protect her from everything."

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