forty-one - rocky road

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trigger warning for mentions of abuse - please don't read if you can't - i will put a very brief summary at the end for those who can't

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trigger warning for mentions of abuse - please don't read if you can't - i will put a very brief summary at the end for those who can't. look after yourself 

rain walked into the petrol station for snacks while jamie filled her car up. she went straight to the fridge grabbing a can of energy drink and a sparkling water for jamie. skye had called him a psycho on several occasions when he drank it, claiming he was drinking tv static. 

she grabbed a bag of crisps and chocolate as well, swiping a rocky road.

"you sure you wanna eat all that?" she heard a voice ask. 

she froze. she hadn't heard that voice in years and hearing it was bringing her straight back to that moment. she swore she had shrunk or he had grown because she felt two feet tall. 

"wha-" she couldn't get the word out as she stared at him. there he was. she always knew he would eventually catch up to her. she had embarrassed him by running away. he would never have let that slide. 

"i was in the area. i didn't expect to bump into you though."

"so you weren't trying to find me?" she asked in a quiet voice. her eyes flicking to the door, making sure she had a way to leave and fast. 

he shook his head, "no. i mean leaving me without a goodbye? i was... angry. but you're just some slut. and you may think you're all that now because you were in a magazine but i'll always know you're nothing. remember that."

the door chimed, indicating someone else had walked in, "hey babe, what's taking so long?" jamie stopped next to her, noticing the man towering over her and how she was pale and rigid. "who's this?" 

oscar held out his hand, "oscar." jamie took it and shook it, not realising who he was. rain had never said his name to him. only keeley knew him. 

"my ex," she whispered. 

jamie's head whipped round to her, "you're that piece of shit?" 

rain quickly grabbed his hand.

oscar's jaw clenched before he visibly calmed, he was always good at hiding, "why would you lie about me?"

she couldn't believe he dared to actually sound hurt, as if he hadn't almost killed her. as if nurses hadn't asked her if she was safe. as if she hadn't punctured a lung only a year into being with him. as if she hadn't sobbed in the shower as everything hurt, everything stung and she just prayed the running water was loud enough to drown out her cries. 

"rain?" he spoke, playing the victim.

rain took a deep breath, "let's pay and leave, jamie. we've got to get to work."

oscar smiled, "i'll see you around."

she shook her head, "i'd prefer not actually. we're broken up, it feels a bit weird to stay friends, doesn't it? after all, i'm just a slut, i'm sure you've moved on."

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