twenty-three - a-nora-ble

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rebecca had asked rain to bring skye along with her to the club that day

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rebecca had asked rain to bring skye along with her to the club that day. she wasn't sure exactly why just something about someone needing company potentially and skye being the perfect person for it.

but then rain arrived at work and realised it was rebecca's goddaughter, nora, that needed the company. rain gave skye a lecture on making sure she was appropriate around the thirteen-year-old before letting her sit outside rebecca's office and do work.

rain situated the girl and quickly started talking to nora. she was an interesting thirteen-year-old and rain wasn't completely sure how but she found out it was her third life on earth. 

"we gotta go get a past life reading, i wanna know what you did in the last two to get you to human status on your third," rain told. "and i wanna know why i'm on my like tenth."

nora tilted her head, smiling, "how'd you know it's your tenth?"

"just a feeling. guess we gotta go to that reading and see if i'm right."

"yeah. i think my mum will be okay with that," she replied. 

"i'll bribe her if she's not. see you later girlies, don't get into too much trouble and if you do make sure it doesn't get traced back to you or me."

skye shot her some finger guns, "i'll frame beard."

"good. that's what i like to see. initiative."


rain thought it was sad seeing jamie all alone in the locker room when she went to drop off some paperwork to ted and beard (and to show sam his dubai air photos). she knew he had to earn his place on that team but she still felt a little bad for him.

"how are my favourite boys?" rain called as she threw the paper onto the desk. 

there was a chorus of replies. she nodded, trying to distinguish what everyone had said. 

"how are you raindrop?" sam asked. 

she smiled, "amazing. especially since in my hands i hold the tablet that holds a certain lovely person's dubai air shoot." she held the tablet out in front of her. "wanna see?"

"ooh, yes please."

rain squealed slightly, rushing next to him, beginning to load them up. 

"oh, god, i'm very nervous. but also very excited. that's similar to whenever colin drives me somewhere in his lamborghini," he pointed to the man across the room from him.

"aye, it's true. it's way too much car for me," colin agreed.

"nah, you gotta find a car that fits your vibe and a lambo just isn't it. it's a douchey car, you're not a douchey guy," rain reassured. she finished loading up the pictures, showing sam the first. "look at you! i mean, come on, a total smoke show. you're a mood. you're the moment. you're a mantra."

sam took the tablet from her as the others began to gather, "those sound like compliments. thank you."

zoreaux took the tablet next, "bruh, i'm confused. is this an ad for ugly people?"

rain chuckled along, knowing the mood of the locker room was vastly different to what it had been the previous season. sam was bullied but not in the same way. it was banter and their way of showing that they cared about the man, as opposed to trying to make him feel bad about himself.

the tablet was passed around. 

"congratulations, amigo. i can't wait to see these up in a tube station," dani told. 

"yeah, so i can draw a dick on his face," isaac quipped, mimicking the action across the tablet.

"bro, why you wearing your kit on the plane?" bumbercatch teased. 

they laughed as sam took the tablet back and gave it to rain. 

"'cause it's the only way they'll know he's a footballer," a voice from the corner of the room spoke up. the room quickly went quiet. jamie was desperate for the others to like him but was terrible at reading the room, it appeared. 

everyone began to disperse. 

"the pictures are great, sammy. you look amazing. i'm so proud of you," rain encouraged. 

sam smiled, pulling her into a hug, "thank you raindrop. see you later?"

"of course, my love." rain went to leave stopping as she got to the door. "oh boys, will you remember to sign up for that new dating app keeley and i emailed you all about? it would really help draw some traction if there were some young, hot footballers on there." there was a chorus of mumurs at her words. 

"rain, rain, what was the name again?" richard questioned. 

"bantr, b-a-n-t-r."

"ah, like grindr," colin voiced. 

rain tilted her head, "yeah. kind of. well, promise me you'll just check it out?"

the team agreed. 

"you're all phenomenal. love you all, do your best," she called out, blowing them kisses. 


rain and keeley were in rebecca's office. the room was so much lighter and nicer than theirs so they snuck in whenever she was off. 

they were, however, wrong that time. the door opened and the pair lept up. 

"shit, we didn't think you were coming in today," keeley exclaimed. "when we know you're not gonna be here, sometimes we use your office. we like the light and the absence of smells."

"it's true, it's so much fresher up here," rain admitted. 

"no worries. we had a change of plans," rebecca told, moving further into the room. "keeley, rain, this is nora. nora, this is keeley jones, our head of marketing. and rain perez, our co-head of marketing and social media."

rebecca began making herself a cup of tea.

"hey again, nora," rain greeted.

"where's skye?"

"doing schoolwork and joining me later."

"i'm so excited to meet you. i've heard a lot about you and i love your mum. she's so cool," keeley gushed. 

the pair began clearing up their belongings. 

"what's bantr?" 

rain picked up the paper, "oh, it's just a little side hustle gig keeley and i took on. it's a new dating app. this venture capital firm asked if we could do some freelance pr for them. well, if keeley could, and if i could promote it on my socials."

"cool. what's the hook?" nora asked. 

rain smiled, glancing to rebecca, who seemed impressed with her goddaughter. 

keeley sat back down, "it's pretty groovy actually. they wanna be a less superficial dating app alternative. it's completely anonymous, no photos. it's all about encouraging people to connect using their words and personalities."

rebecca held her tea close to her mouth, "yeah, so you don't know if the person you're communicating with is remotely fit or not. horrifying, isn't it?"

"i think that's awesome," nora replied. 

"yeah, no. me too."

a/n a double update?? i'm back on top of this fic so i thought i'd give you all a treat, enjoy :)

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