eleven - reversing a curse

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chaos. that was the word for what was happening. ted had requested rain's presence at mae's pub. roy had picked her up, filling her in on the apparent curse in the treatment room and how dani had been injured because he had been in there. and they were never going to see him again. she doubted that last part but she was glad she knew why dani had ditched her 'welcome to richmond' meeting.

rain did believe almost everything he had said, however. she was an avid believer in all things supernatural.

she forced roy to buy her a drink as she sat next to him and sam. ted called out for their attention and the chatter quickly died down. mae stood next to him.

"thank you, guys, and rain for coming out," ted spoke. "look, i don't know a lot about this stuff, you know. i don't know about curses. but i do know this, they don't last forever.

"okay, look at the boston red sox curse. that's over. chicago cubs, over. heck, even mr martin scorcese finally won his oscar. but i think we can all agree that 'the departed' is not necessarily his best work. that belongs to 'the color of money'."

"no, it's 'goodfellas'," colin argued.

"agree to disagree."

"nah, nah. it's 'age of innocence, bruv," isaac announced.

"cape fear," beard yelled from the back.

"you're all wrong, it's his role in 'shark tale'," rain shouted, causing more arguments to break out.

roy turned to her, "the fuck is wrong with you? shark tale?"

rain laughed, "i enjoy it."

roy shook his head before he turned to the rowdy players, "silence!"

"oi, once the word gets out you lot are in here, this place will turn into a fucking zoo," mae warned. "and the answer's 'mean streets'."

there were murmurs of agreement, although rain was not budging on her shark tale admission.

mae continued, "you're all here because of this poster behind me. mr higgins."

higgins read it out, "'are you a fast, fit, fan of football?'"

"that's solid alliteration right there," ted commented.

"hundreds of those posters were put up around richmond on the 18th of november, 1914. it was an invitation for young men to try out to be a professional footballer. it said to come to our stadium that day. and it was a lie," mae told.

higgins took over the story, "in 1914, the war was raging. there was no tryout. just recruiters, waiting to encourage those boys to fight the fight."

"they enlisted four hundred lads that day. very few of them came home."

"and after they enlisted... do you know where they went for their physical?"

nate answered from the back, "oh, christ, it's our treatment room, isn't it?"

mutters broke out once more.

ted stepped forward, "hey, no, no, no. hey, no, fellas. no, it was not, okay?"

"lie," rain called.

"it was. i'm sorry, i'm lying to ya. i don't even know why i'm lying. i'm sorry. i just wanted y'all to take a breath for a second," ted admitted.

"wait, wait, wait. what you're telling me is that we've got four hundred ghosts?" isaac asked.

colin stared forward, face clearly showing his stress, "that's too many ghosts."

"we cannot fight them all," richard told.

"we're not going to have to fight them, richard," ted assured.

rain stood up, "but we have to banish them. we'll need all the lavender, rosemary and cinnamon in the world."

ted did a double take, "rain, i don't know what you do in your spare time but please explain that whole thing to me later."

sam pulled rain back down, "wait, so, coach, how do we fix this? we can't change the past."

"no, sam, no we cannot. but we can choose to honour it. now, those young men, they made the ultimate sacrifice. so i think it's only fair that we sacrifice something of our own. i'm gonna ask each and every one of you to go home tonight, find something, an item. something personal. something that you truly value. and i want you to bring it tonight to the clubhouse, at midnight," ted revealed.

rain sighed, that felt a lot easier than trying to cleanse an entire stadium. then the fear crept in as she knew exactly what she was going to sacrifice and what it meant she had to tell them.

people began to argue, but roy wasn't having it. he stood up, yelling to the pub, "we're all going to fucking do it!"

"all right. that's your captain talking right there."

rain found it easy to slip out of the pub with roy once it had gotten surrounded by fans. she told him she could bring the car around and he could slip in, unnoticed.

he took some convincing but he begrudgingly agreed.


jamie didn't know why but when keeley mentioned that rain would be at the curse reversing ceremony that night, he found himself wanting to go. it was as if keeley knew the woman had been plaguing his mind for some time now. he wouldn't admit it out loud though. ever since the benefit, when she looked at him, really looked at him and saw that he was being genuine, he'd been thinking of her often. too often.

he was jamie tarrt, why was she plaguing his mind like this?

and when his phone pinged with a notification that she had posted, he decided he would be there even if it was only to see her.


rainyday: my instagram is becoming a keeleyjones fan account but she has started working with me and i'm so excited because she's amazing

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rainyday: my instagram is becoming a keeleyjones fan account but she has started working with me and i'm so excited because she's amazing

keeleyjones: um i love you, wtf, i think your past like four posts have me in them
rainyday: it's because i'm obsessed with you and your crazy hair
keeleyjones: marry me?
rainyday: be at yours in five to elope

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