thirty-eight - birthdays

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the house did eventually get decorated after rain put her foot down and told jamie to stop turning her on or she'd uninvite him from the whole day

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the house did eventually get decorated after rain put her foot down and told jamie to stop turning her on or she'd uninvite him from the whole day.

he was quick to stop kissing her in the spot he'd very quickly realised had gotten a reaction from her that he absolutely loved.

they'd blown up balloons, hung banners and wrapped all of her presents (except the dog, who was in her bed in the library, where skye never entered as she disliked reading, mainly because she was dyslexic but their parents hadn't believed it). rain hadn't locked the dog in the room yet, wanting her to be able to roam until guests started to arrive. the good news was since she was in the running to be mascot, she was already potty trained. it was actually the winner that had shit all over higgins' office.

keeley had arrived nice and early to help cook (tell rain she was doing great).

"the house looks amazing," she complimented.

rain smiled as she began on the ropa vieja, "thanks keels."

jamie was still asleep in rain's room as it was early and rain had decided he needed the rest after the match.

"so, how was the sex?"

rain spluttered, "what?"

keeley smiled, "you're basically glowing. you've got that post-sex glow."


keeley rolled her eyes, "c'mon, i need more details. i told you everything about roy!"

"you've already had sex with jamie, i think you know."

"i want your details."

"it was good. it was also right there," she told, pointing to the counter spot she'd been a moaning mess at only hours prior.

keeley gasped, "no fucking way."

"we were trying to get the decorating done and the balloons were in the kitchen drawer and he'd just won and next thing i know i'm getting railed against the kitchen cupboard."

"shit, that's so hot," she complimented. "does he know about women's health?"

"nope. i wasn't going to tell him for a while cause they just got promoted and it's skye's birthday. it's not my day," she explained. 

keeley nodded, "you can share achievements."

"i know but i don't want to feel like i'm trying to overshadow them," she explained. 

it was that moment that jamie, in his top and underwear, walked in.

"hey jamie," keeley greeted from her spot at the counter. 

"hey keeley," he turned to rain, pointing at keeley. "does she-"

"yeah, she locked us in the boot room, babes, of course she figured it out," rain told as she flipped the switch on her kettle. 

keeley smiled at the pair, "secrets safe with me but i hope you wiped that counter."

jamie scoffed, "'course we did. we're not stupid."

rain patted his cheek as she passed him, "want a coffee?"

"yeah please, babe."

rain pulled out her french press and coffee, turning to keeley, who didn't even need to be asked. she nodded. 

"where's the dog?" keeley asked, glancing around. 

"library, she's probably sleeping."

keeley nodded. jamie took a seat next to her as rain started brewing their coffee.

"do you need some help?" jamie offered. 

rain smiled, they'd not been sort of dating long and already he was proving to be kinder than any of her exes. 

"nah. do you want condensed milk?"

"fuck yeah," keeley exclaimed, remembering when she made her coffee before. she looked at jamie, who had never had rain's coffee before. "rain's coffee is fucking amazing."


 the dinner was ready and set out and according to skye's 'friend', they were five minutes away. rain announced it to everyone, who hid as best they could in the house without being able to hide in the library. everyone kept shushing everyone else until the door unlocked and skye walked in, screaming as people jumped out at her.

"what the fuck?" she exclaimed. "you know i'm jumpy you bitch."

"whatever, just go into the living room for a second cause i need to give you one of your gifts," rain replied, ushering her away before she went to grab the puppy. 

"happy birthday," she whispered as she held out the greyhound. 

skye gasped, "what the fuck? you can't just get me a dog." she had tears in her eyes as the puppy began to lick her hand, tail wagging. 

"not to brag but she's an afc richmond mascot runner up," rain quipped. 


dinner went well. everyone enjoyed the food and it was as rain was washing up, everyone else in the living room, chatting (and singing - the karaoke machine had been fished out and she had no idea by who) that skye came to join her. 

"thanks for a great birthday," she told.

"it's nothing. i just wanted you to do something," rain replied. 

"there's something i have to tell you," she began, playing with her fingers. rain put down the dish she was loading into the dishwasher, turning to her sister to show her she had her full attention. "steph isn't my friend... she's my girlfriend. i'm gay."

rain smiled, "i'm so happy you felt safe enough to tell me that. and i love you."

skye nodded, "thanks, i don't wanna make a big deal about it or whatever. i just wanted you to know."

"okay. i won't make a big deal out of it. how's a balloon tower? too much?"

skye laughed, "way too much." 

"fine," she sighed dramatically. "just so you know, you can have steph round. you didn't have to avoid staying here with her just because you weren't out to me."

"i was kinda scared," she admitted. "'cause mum and dad wouldn't have..."

rain sighed, bringing her sister into a hug as she saw tears well in her eyes, "yeah, well they don't deserve you as a daughter if they can't accept that you're gay. and that's their loss because you're pretty fucking amazing."

skye laughed again, sniffling as she tried to wipe her tears away, "so are you. and i'm sorry i never stopped them when they-"

"hey, i don't want you to apologise for that. that was never on you. you were a child."

"so were you."

rain pulled away, holding her sister at arm length, "maybe but just because i was, doesn't suddenly mean you were responsible for helping me. you were a child too and if i could go back and change anything i wouldn't because in some fucked up way that shit led to me being here surrounded by people i love and people who love me back. and who love you."

skye nodded, "i love you."

"i love you too."

a/n not them removing the umg music and me having to go through every muted edit and replace the sounds with slightly sped up versions and them now all being slightly out of time 

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