three - birthday boy

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rain was in her office, watching the latest press conference

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rain was in her office, watching the latest press conference. she sighed when ted mentioned pornography while answering a question about the off-side rule. he was a pr nightmare. she wasn't head of pr or anything but with it only being her, she basically was at that point. she continued watching, making notes on anything ted needed to change or just not do. he was alright for the most part, he was kind and had a good attitude, he just said the wrong thing a lot.

she almost jumped through the screen when the sun asked rebecca about her ex-husbands latest relationship, which had taken place during theirs as well. she wanted to scream at them. rebecca was not responsible for rupert's infidelity. he was a grown man and he could control his own dick. well, maybe not. he had proven he was just a horny old man.

she made her way to rebecca's office, knocking on the door before she was beckoned in.

"hi, are you okay? the sun sucks," she greeted, staying near the doorway.

rebecca smiled falsely, "i'm fine."

"okay good. like i said, the sun sucks and so does your ex-husband. he's a wrinkly old twat who doesn't deserve you because to be honest you're fucking gorgeous and intimidating. and the woman he's seeing is probably in it for the money because no one would put up with such a colossal ass for anything but money," she ranted. "sorry."

"no, don't apologise," rebecca waved off. "thank you, rain. i appreciate it."

"good, because the media is shit, treating you badly when he's the cunt-" rain froze. "i am so sorry."

rebecca laughed, causing rain to relax.

"that word just slipped out, i am-"

"don't apologise. that made me feel a lot better," she admitted.



rain was on the sidelines of the football match, company-bought camera in hand as she prepared to take the social media shots. 

she moved to where the team would enter from, camera up, waiting for them. as they entered she began snapping shots. she got some of the crowd and of ted and coach beard at their first game. she wanted them to have something from it, even if they were going to do badly.

by the end of the game, she had a memory card full of pictures and richmond had a loss of 4-1. she knew they wouldn't want a lot of the images from the match because of the size of the loss. even rain had to admit it wasn't good. despite that, it was something to have some sort of memory of, even if it was negative. it was their first match under ted and coach beard. 

she'd managed to catch a picture of jamie's goal. that was a sort of high point. the guy was a prick but at least the goal made it less of an embarrassing loss.

once she transferred the photos onto her laptop, she made her way down to the changing rooms, laptop in her bag, ready to show some of the photos to cheer them up. or try to. she had a feeling it would do nothing.

she entered the changing room to see nate bring his elbow back into the glass in ted's door.

"nice," rain complimented. she glanced around at the dull faces. "i have some really good photos from the match if that helps lighten the mood at all."

"so we can remember our fucking loss?" roy grunted. 

rain shrugged, "no, so you can have photos of you playing football."

ted then came back into the changing room, coach beard starting some music and ted telling them to eat some cake. it was sam's birthday after all. she was just glad there was something to lighten the mood. the team flocked towards the cake like seagulls but rain noticed how jamie wasn't one of them. she sighed, going to sit next to him. he went to say something as she grabbed her laptop.

"shut up, you talking makes everything worse," she shushed.

she pulled up the photos, scrolling down to the one of his goal. she opened it, moving the laptop so it faced him.

"that's me."

rain rolled her eyes, "no, it's sam. of course it's you. it's your goal. thought you'd want it for your socials or personal use, whatever."


rain nodded.

"and sorry."

"for what?"

"for before."

"are you apologising just to apologise or because you actually feel bad for what you did?" she asked.

"maybe i feel a little bad," he revealed.

she wasn't sure if she believed him and what exactly he was apologising for. was he apologising for the gum in the box or for being a douche about the social media. either way, she didn't press it. she guessed him saying sorry was a rare occasion. 

rain raised a brow, "that's something." she stood. "have some cake."

she moved to place her bag on the side and get some cake.

"happy birthday sam," she cheered as he stood next to her.

sam smiled, "thank you rain."

rain had to admit, he had a beautiful smile. it was wide and genuine and it reached his eyes, showing nothing but pure joy no matter what had happened only a few minutes earlier. no matter the fact they lost, sam was still a bundle of joy. 

"sorry i wasn't here before the match, i had to be on the field ready to take your pictures. i have some really good ones of you," she told. "i hope you liked your presents."

"i did, very much, thank you. is it alright if i come see you monday? i need some help with my instagram," he admitted.

"course sam, all the pictures i took are available to use as well."

rain was grateful at least one of the team was coming to her for some help with their personal accounts. the others had agreed to do some things for the richmond accounts but she was waiting for the day that one of them admitted maybe they needed her help. 

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