fourteen - chelsea who? i only know afc richmond

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keeping up with tradition, rain was down in the changing room before the match

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keeping up with tradition, rain was down in the changing room before the match. her equipment was already on the pitch and she was merely there to wish them luck and tell them they would win. even though many of them thought it would jinx it, the previous win had proved otherwise. a few were even convinced she may be psychic, including dani who had heard about it.

sam greeted her at the door, pulling her into a hug. she pinched his earlob, just like his dad used to. 

she glanced over his shoulder, "you got this one. i feel it in my bones."

"gracias, rain. if you feel it we surely will," dani cheered

rain gave his shoulder a squeeze, "no hay problema, cariño."

ted and nate rejoined them in the room, silencing the players before nate took over to do the pregame talk. rain took a seat.

he looked abnormally nervous. words of encouragement were exchanged before he finally began.

"isaac," he started with a deep breath and shaky voice. 

"oh, yeah, yeah. yeah, you got this, bruv, all right?" isaac encouraged. 

"i've noticed of late... that you've been playing like a big, dumb pussy."

rain swore she blacked out for a second when those words left his mouth. it was both brave and incredibly stupid but if it helped them win, who was she to argue? 

despite the horror from the others, he continued, "you're more concerned about looking tough than actually being tough. there's a way to be intimidating without being physical... i hope you don't mind me saying." he turned to sam. "sam."

"oh no," sam muttered from next to rain. she very slowly grasped his hand, so that nate didn't turn to her.

"you're constantly getting beat on the wings. it's 'cause you're indecisive. you second-guess more than a shitty psychic. the only african i know more imprisoned by their own thoughts is goddamn nelson mandela."

laughter filled the locker room, nate turning his attention to colin, who was a part of the chorus. 

"you think that's funny, do you, colin? you and all your fancy step-over bullshit. let me ask you this. do you wax your pubes?"


"did i stutter, dickhead? do you wax your pubes? yes or no."


"then why are you always trying to play like a brazilian?"

rain chuckled. 

"uh, rojas," nate continued, his confidence growing in sync with the laughter.

dani raised his hand, "whoo! roast me, amigo."

rain sighed, "he's too nice."

sam nodded in agreement.

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