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rainyday: everyone needs to visit samobisanya's restaurant once it opens bc the food slaps

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rainyday: everyone needs to visit samobisanya's restaurant once it opens bc the food slaps

user1: did she just hard launch her relationship?
rainyday: yes
user2:  holy shit, what? you're dating??
rainyday: yes

jamietartt: we're a hot couple
rainyday: you better fucking believe we are
keeleyjones: rain's the hotter one, sorry
jamietartt: is that meant to insult me? i got a hot girlfriend, i'm winning no matter what
rainyday: so am i

samobisanya: i am so glad you liked it
rainyday: liked it? i loved it. ready to sell my firstborn for some more jollof rice and moi moi
samobisanya: i'll bring some next movie night, no need for the firstborn
rainyday: and this is why i love you, sammy <3

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it was match day and the team were due to play west ham. rain had joined the team on the bus, her equipment resting above her in the overhead, jamie beside her, braiding her hair as they drove. 

turns out he liked to braid when he was nervous. she assumed his mum must have taught him. so, she let him play with her since she loved it and it helped calm him. even if she looked like amy from brooklyn nine nine when she was taking an exam. she'd fix it once they slowed down. 

"jamie," she hummed. "you okay?"

he nodded, but she didn't see it, "yeah."

"you sure?"

"yeah. i should be asking you that."

she smiled, letting her hand feel behind her for his leg. she gave it a light squeeze, "i'm okay. i'm used to it."

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