seven - creepy old guy

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the auction had begun and keeley had been bidding against another woman in the audience before she won a date with jamie for twenty-five grand

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the auction had begun and keeley had been bidding against another woman in the audience before she won a date with jamie for twenty-five grand.

rain was yet to lift her paddle. she was waiting for sam to be auctioned off. her plan was to bid on him for as much as she could.

she ended up winning the bid for fifteen grand, even though she knew she could have won for less. it was for charity after all. plus sam was her friend and the man was worth every penny in her eyes. he was, to her, the sweetest man she knew. she hadn't known him too long but she would fight anyone who was mean to him.

"a very nice bid from a very beautiful woman, you're a lucky man, sam," rupert spoke.

rain smiled, although she was immensely uncomfortable. she moved slightly under his gaze, wanting to walk away. there was something so unnerving about the way his eyes raked her body. he was a man used to young women falling for his charm, swooning as he complimented them as they couldn't help but believe the façade he put up. rain, however, knew he was a cheating scumbag who deserved a swift kick in the dick and was therefore immune to whatever charisma he believed he had. so, his gaze was creepy, not flattering, and it made her skin crawl.

she was a woman, so she was no stranger to the sensation, but that didn't help one bit.

thankfully there was a break between the auctioning, allowing the attention to be off of rain. she was less lucky when she went to the bar and rupert of all people cornered her. she gritted her teeth as she heard his voice behind her.

"i'm not sure we've met," he spoke up from behind. she turned around to him, disgust morphing into a faux smile as she took his outstretched hand. "i think i would remember it if we had. i'm assuming you're sam's girlfriend then."

she wanted to vomit, she bit her tongue, "i'm rain perez, the club's head of social media."

she expected him to shake it as she spoke, instead he brought it to his lips. she swallowed her disgust, smiling to hold back the remark on the tip of her tongue. she pulled her hand away when he lowered it. he held it for a second too long, enough that it would either flatter her or freak her out.

it freaked her out.

"ah, my apologies, i thought someone as beautiful as you had to be a footballer's girlfriend," he laughed. "you're doing well on the social media front from what i've seen but surely you should be in front of a camera, not behind it."

rain smiled, "thanks."

rain glanced around, trying to find someone to save her, when she spotted the last player she wanted to. she would take whoever, at that moment, though.

"jamie," she exclaimed. the man turned to her. there was a frown etched on his face. he thought rain hated him. and maybe she did, but at that point she adored him for walking past at that moment. she turned to rupert, placing a hand on his arm as if she actually cared what he thought. she had to keep up appearances after all, "excuse me, i promised jamie i'd discuss his socials tonight, you know how it is. work never stops."

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