twenty - all dogs go to heaven

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retrospect was a wonderful thing and in retrospect rain, ted, beard and nate should not have prayed so much for a tie during the previous season

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retrospect was a wonderful thing and in retrospect rain, ted, beard and nate should not have prayed so much for a tie during the previous season. the new season had begun and afc richmond was stuck in a tie streak. some higher power had an ironic sense of humour. 

ted had blamed himself following the streak because he wanted a tie so badly to keep the team in the premiership and now they couldn't win a match. 

they had seven consecutive draws. it was bad.

they were playing nottingham forest and rain was doing her usual work on the sidelines, her sister someone in the stadium with rebecca and keeley (she had agreed the team needed to meet her eventually).

and they had a penalty, a chance for them to win a match and break the streak.

dani was going to take it. rain watched on in anticipation, camera snapping constant pictures. 

"is it okay if i pray?" nate asked. 

"yeah, course but to which god and in what language?" ted replied. 

beard stared straight ahead, "you could cross your fingers and make a wish."

rain nodded, "or we each choose a god, pray and hope we chose right. i bugsy persephone."

ted blinked, "go right ahead, rain."

rain glanced between the men, seeing beard and nate crossing their fingers. she closed her eyes for a second as dani placed the ball down. she opened her eyes again, taking pictures as she did. 

everything after that happened in slow motion. dani went towards the ball as earl, the greyhound (their mascot) got loose and ran straight towards the goal, following a bird. the ball hit the dog instead of the goal and there was a collective gasp amongst the audience. 

dani had accidentally killed a dog. 

"oh my god," nate spoke, turning to ted. "i promise that's not what i wished for."

rain couldn't stop staring, "what the fuck?"


it was a pr nightmare. rain had to immediately release a statement apologising for what happened and assuring everyone that it wasn't intentional. and then her and keeley wrote a statement for ted to read. both knew it wasn't getting read. ted did his own thing no matter how much they tried to guide him, and usually it worked out okay, but it was their job to keep trying. 

"oi," keeley called as her, rain, and even skye marched towards rebecca and higgins. "twitter is going bonkers, look."

rebecca sighed, "oh god, did we really make michael jordan cry? did you write a statement for ted?"

"yeah, i did, then he said-" keeley then began her terrible ted impression that rain had begged her to never do again on several occasions. "now don't you fret boba fett, got it covered."

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