twenty-six - almost kisses

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rain wasn't sure why she was suddenly nervous to have jamie round her house and to be feeding him but she was

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rain wasn't sure why she was suddenly nervous to have jamie round her house and to be feeding him but she was. she'd made way too much food and would have to take it with her to work for the team to eat for lunch or something.

skye had set the table, making sure to set out three places, putting rain and jamie next to each other. she was going to see the pair become a couple, she swore she would. she'd even debated putting up mistletoe but decided against it, knowing rain would be more than annoyed.

rain was attempting to keep everything warm as the last food finished in the oven. she'd gotten it all done a little earlier than she expected.

the timing was okay though, as jamie was early. rain had elected to mix both mexican dishes with traditional english christmas dinner dishes as she wanted to make sure jamie had something he liked. plus, it was what her parents had always done. she didn't like them but she always loved her christmas dinner. she wasn't going to change it, not when she knew skye liked it like that as well. 

she'd made tamales (her sister's favourite were sweet corn tamales), stuffed turkey, mac n cheese, apple salad, and so many dishes she'd lost count. it was only the three of them but they would be eating leftovers for days. 

there was a knock on the door and rain almost threw off her apron before she got to the door. 

she threw the door open, smiling, "hey jamie."

"hey rain, i know i'm early, sorry, it's just i wasn't doing anything and me facetime with me mum isn't until-"

rain cut him off, "no worries, foods almost ready anyway." 

she stepped to the side so he could come inside and discard his shoes and coat. once he had he seemed to be taking everything around him in, carefully. 

"i've never seen your house," he commented, standing by a picture of three girls, rain, skye and autumn. "who's the other girl?"

"autumn, our older sister."

"where is she now?"


jamie's head whipped around to rain, "fuck, rain, i'm so sorry, i didn't know."

"it's fine jamie, you asked so i told you. it's not a secret, it's just not something i tell everyone." she smiled, placing a hand on his arm to show she wasn't upset.

"how'd she die?"

rain faltered but continued. it was jamie. they were honest with each other. that was the thing they could count on the other for. they understood each other because of their shitty pasts. 

"suicide. she killed herself. my parents blamed me, it made the whole relationship go from bad to so much worse. she was struggling and none of us could help."

jamie moved forward, wrapping his arms around rain. she froze for a second, taking a deep breath before she wrapped her arms around him too. she held him for longer than she should have. and he held her for longer than he should have. 

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