forty-three - the parents of the year award goes to...

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*warning for emotional abuse and homophobia*

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*warning for emotional abuse and homophobia*

rain had stayed at jamie's after sam's opening event at ola's, letting skye and steph have her house. mainly because jamie lived closer to ola's. neither of them wanted to walk very far, having chosen that over driving as they wanted to drink. (rain had drunk a lot more than jamie, as rebecca insisted on a lot of tequila).

but she didn't expect to be woken up at four in the morning. she groaned, seeing jamie only begin to stir, so she got up, still slightly drunk.

she stared at roy, "the fuck are you doing here at four am?"

"jamie's training."

jamie walked out, seeing roy.

roy clicked his watch, "right, let's go."

jamie leant against rain, who stumbled slightly, using the doorframe to steady herself, "it's four am."

she instantly placed a hand on the back of his neck, playing with the ends of his hair. he hummed at the contact.

roy nodded, "yeah. we start at four am."

"i thought you were joking," jamie admitted. 

"how is that a joke?"

"cause it's four am."

"we start at four so you can do three workouts a day instead of two," he informed as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

jamie rubbed his eyes, "okay but it's four am."

rain sighed, "jamie, babe, we've established that." 

"do you wanna be better than zava or not?" roy demanded. 

jamie sighed this time, "well, how are we gonna see, it's dark out."

roy placed a light on his head, clicking it on.

"jesus roy, right in my eyes," rain complained, shielding her face. "i'm not the one training."

"sorry," he spoke, lifting his head so he shined it in jamie's eyes instead. 

"fucking hell."

"now get dressed before i start flicking your balls," he threatened. 

jamie made a move to leave, "this is perverse."

roy shook his head, jamie's ass on display. rain turned, smiling before turning back to a disapproving roy.

"he doesn't like sleeping with pants on," rain informed. 

"why are you with him?" roy grunted. 

rain raised a brow, "because he treats me well." when roy only grunted, she continued. "he found out i like having flowers in my house and set up a subscription to be delivered every week. he goes in and chooses the bouquets for me."

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