twenty-five - happy holidays

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christmas wasn't rain's favourite time of the year, not by a long shot but knowing that she was spending it with skye seemed to bring her mood up by a lot

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christmas wasn't rain's favourite time of the year, not by a long shot but knowing that she was spending it with skye seemed to bring her mood up by a lot. that and the fact she was with the team and they were all beyond lovely to her. 

plus, with the months slowly ticking by, skye was inching closer and closer to being eighteen and the court case being thrown out altogether. she was almost an adult, so their parents would have no say in where she lived. 

it was before their secret santa that rain finally had the chance to introduce skye to the rest of the team, beyond just sam and jamie. she entered the changing room, skye right beside her. it didn't take long for them to notice a new person around. 

"this is my sister skye," rain introduced, trying not to laugh at isaac sitting in the middle of the room, dressed as santa.

"wait, wait, wait, you're name is rain, and hers is skye?" isaac questioned.

skye laughed, "our older sisters name was autumn." there were a few mutters around the room. 

"your parents did not like you," jan maas spoke up.

rain snorted, wishing he wasn't as right as he was, "with names like ours how could they?" 

"and rain's middle name is storm," skye added.

"your full name is rain storm perez?" colin called out.

rain nodded, "yep. any of you call me rainstorm except for keeley, i break your kneecaps, got it?"

there was a chorus of 'yes's' across the room.

"right, my loves, we're going to the office, have fun and enjoy your gifts," she told. "oh by the way, there's a little something from me in each of your lockers. happy holidays."

the men each got up from their seats, opening their cubby holes to find a small wrapped present. they each opened it to find identical picture frames of the whole team, coaches and all and her right up front. they went to say a thank you but she had already entered the office, shutting the door behind her and her sister. 

"merry christmas," rain exclaimed, with a bag full of gifts for everyone in the office.

ted had already situated himself in his chair, "just in time, everyone's here now. but where are your-"

rain held up a hand, pulling two headbands out of her bag, one with tinsel and bells and the other with a mini elf hat. she passed the elf hat to skye who put it on. 

"there they are," ted exclaimed as they both sat down, now wearing something christmassy.

they began exchanging gifts, including a framed photo of ted and nate from the latter for the former. he'd written a sweet message thanking ted on it. it was written right over beard. rain snorted quietly as beard pointed that out. 

there was cheering from the other room. will had been given a box of money for christmas.

spirits were really up because of the holidays and because ted had implemented a half day for christmas. it gave everyone time to see family if they were close by and still get home for the match on boxing day. 

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