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    Zhou Congee wandered in the vast cloakroom.

    "Wow! Looks good! Cool!"

    Bubble stood at the door with a blank expression on his face.

    Wow, dad is so silly.

    Zhou Porridge picked out a simple white T-shirt with a little yellow duck, turned his head, and waved at him: "Cub, you wear this."

    With a pair of black overalls and a pair of small sandals, Zhou Porridge let him hold the clothes by himself. He made a gesture on the body: "Well, not bad, go try it on."

    Bubble took the clothes and got into the fitting room.

    Zhou Congee also chose something similar for himself.

    Not long after, the two changed their clothes and stood in front of the mirror.

    A white T-shirt with a little yellow duck pattern, black overalls, and ordinary but comfortable sneakers, you can't go wrong with this outfit.

    Plus they all have nice faces.

    Zhou Porridge didn't wear any makeup, and his fair face was not covered in any way. The whole face was lively and youthful.

    Although Pao Pao has a stern face, there is still baby fat on her face, which cannot be hidden at all, and her small mouth is red, so cute.

    Zhou Porridge repeatedly admired himself and Xiao Zai Zai in the mirror.

    Good-looking, worthy of father and son.

    Bubble was a little helpless: "Dad."

    What's so good about a mirror? He has been watching for ten minutes.

    Zhou Conge squatted down, held Pao Pao's little hand, and posed various poses for him: "Cute, just like Dad, perfectly inheriting Dad's advantages."

    Pao Pao blushed, broke away from his embrace, and turned his head run away.

    So childish!

    Downstairs, the staff of the program group quickly arranged the venue.

    The host took out his mobile phone and asked the director: [Director Wang, we came early, but we didn't capture anything special. Now Zhou Congee is hiding upstairs and refuses to come down, what should we do? ]

    Director Wang quickly replied: [Look for opportunities to shoot him again, more shots]

    [As long as Zhou Congee is photographed, the show will not worry about traffic and topicality]

    Host: [OK]

    They invited Zhou Congee to participate in the show, It's just that they have a lot of fans, are controversial, and have a lot of topicality.

    Deliberately coming to the door early, of course, is also to create a little topic and give the show a good start. Now that Zhou Congee can't come down, of course they have to find ways to get Zhou Congee down.

    However, a bunch of staff squatted downstairs for a long time, but Zhou Porridge did not come down.

    Finally, Zhou Porridge's takeaway arrived.

    The delivery guy was talking on the phone with Zhou Congee, and Zhou Congee's voice came from the phone: "Yes, go straight in, go up the stairs, upstairs, thank you."

     The host quickly waved to the photographer and followed the delivery man up .

    As a result, the upstairs door was only opened a small crack. Zhou Porridge reached out his hand from inside, took the takeaway, and quickly took it back: "Thank you."

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