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    The battle royale alarm sounded, and all the small animals fled around.

    There were only two little hamsters, carrying weapons, walking on the street swaggeringly.

    [Black under the lamp]

    [Criminal against the wind]

    [The other Coke next door is so miserable, I have been being chased all the time, my heart hurts]

    [Congee Pao, hurry up and use your undercover skills to save Coke]

    Bubble said: "Dad, I am no longer I remember who I am."

    Zhou Conge was shocked: "Huh?"

    "Are we hunters or small animals?"

    "Of course..."

    Before Zhou Conge finished speaking, suddenly, Coke called for help from the next street Bubble said: "Help!"

    Without hesitation, Bubble ran forward with a weapon on his shoulder, "Coke, I'm here to save you!"

    Although he didn't remember who he was, Bubble would definitely rush if he yelled for help. step forward.

    Coke and Ji Yao are being chased by a hunter, and the tail of the tiger behind them is wagging.

    Gritting his teeth and clenching his fists, Bubble tried hard to catch up with them.

    Zhou Porridge also chased after him, and said to the hunter, "We will help you."


    Zhou Porridge and Paopao chased Coke, and turned a corner under the cover of a group performance on the street, where the hunter could not see stop.

    "You two are hiding here." Zhou Porridge stuffed Ji Yao and Coke into a small alley, blocked them with wooden barrels and bamboo baskets, and then captured the photographer who followed them, "You are not allowed to take pictures of the alley , You pretend that you are shooting the empty mirror."

    [Congee Congee is so detailed that even the photographer thought of it]

    [Congee Congee is not an undercover agent, who can be an undercover agent! 】

    【Too strong, smart porridge】

    After arranging everything, when the hunter was chasing him, Zhou Porridge pulled Paopao, spread his legs and continued to run forward: "They are here!"

    The hunter followed him and ran away.

    Coke and Ji Yao squatted behind the wooden box, watching them leave.

    "Father Ji, I'm so tired." But Coke's eyes sparkled, "But it's fun, I've never played such a fun game of catching people."

    Ji Yao sat on the ground panting in a very imageless way: "Take a break."

    Coke looked at him with expectant little eyes: "Papa Ji, let's go out and let them catch you." "

    Ah?" Ji Yao pressed him down, "No way! That... Papa Pao and Papa Pao managed to get us They are rescued, and if we go out, they will be found to be undercover agents." "

    Oh, that's fine."

    On the other side, Zhou Porridge led Pao Pao, slipping back and forth among the crowd.

    As he ran, the tail of the hamster behind him was dangling, about to fall off.

    [Congee's tail is about to fall off]

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