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    Zhou Porridge and Pao Pao lay at home for three days, living the lives of big and small salted fish for three days.

    All battles on the Internet have nothing to do with them.

    Until Friday, they are going to participate in the filming of the promotional video for the second issue of "Baby Start Again".

    Cui Feng drove them himself and sent them to the ancient city.

    A wealthy wealthy man surnamed Cui rented out the entire ancient city and broadcast it live for them. He also hired hundreds of extra performers to create the atmosphere of the ancient city.

    The staff of the program team has already set up the dressing room, just waiting for the guests to arrive.

    Cui Feng parked the car outside the dressing room: "Congee Congee, we're here."

    "Okay." Zhou Congee unbuckled his seat belt and was about to get out of the car, "Thank you, Mr. Cui, see you next week." "

    Yes." Cui Feng Feng responded lightly, got out of the car, and hugged Pao Pao from the back seat.

    Zhou Porridge held Paopao and waved to him: "Goodbye."

    Seeing them coming, the staff hurried forward to greet them: "Mr. Zhou, Paopao, welcome, this way please, let's go make up first." "

    Okay , thank you."

    Zhou Conge led Pao Pao inside, when suddenly, the staff slowed down and looked back.

    Zhou Congee was puzzled: "Huh?"

    The staff asked tentatively: "Mr. Zhou, do you want to say goodbye to Mr. Cui?"

    Cui Feng stood beside the car, watching his wife and children leave eagerly, like a wife-watching stone.

    Seeing Zhou Porridge turn around, he felt even more wronged.

    After three years of separation, Zhou Porridge has only been home for a few days, he and Zhou Porridge have only slept together for a few days, and Zhou Porridge has to go out to work again.

    He was going to sleep alone again.

    Live a miserable life without a wife and children.

    Bubble saw through it at a glance: "Dad, Big Daddy is very sad because he can't sleep with you anymore."

    Black Heart Bubble twisted: "But I am very happy, I can go out and play with Dad."

    The sorrow and joy of father and son It's not the same, Black Heart Bubble can't understand Big Daddy.

    Cui Feng had a complicated expression, regretting why he invested in Baby Zong instead of Lian Zong.

    In this way, he was the one who went out to shoot the show with Zhou Congee.

    Zhou Porridge waved at him: "I and Paopao will go back next week, and you will come pick us up then." "

    Yeah." Cui Feng sorted out his mood and nodded slightly, "Go in."

    Zhou Porridge hesitated for a moment, Xiao Pao stepped forward, opened his arms, and hugged him: "I'll be back next week."

    Cui Feng stood where he was, stretched out his hand, and hugged him: "Yeah."

    Just at this time, a car came from a distance.

    Zhuang Lian stopped the car: "Dad, go down with the oranges. The dressing room is in front, and Zhou Porridge is also in front." "

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