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    The three cubs sat in a row and watched "Wow Team" for half an hour.

    Coke proudly asked them: "Isn't it good?"

    Bubble and Juzi nodded vigorously: "Yeah."

    They haven't seen such a beautiful cartoon yet.

    Coke snapped her fingers: "The Children's Channel will broadcast one episode at 8 o'clock every night, and two episodes will be broadcast on Sunday night. We can watch it tomorrow     .


Planting grass "Pao Wang Team"]

    [Haven't Bubble and Juzi watched "Pao Wang Team"? Little pitiful woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo]

    [Haven't seen "Wow Team" what's wrong? What do you want to say? Zhuang Zhuang abused children and prevented Juzi from seeing the Wang Wang team? They are all thousand-year-old foxes, what kind of Liaozhai are you playing? 】

    【? ? ? ]

    [No, are Zhuang Lian fans so stressed? ]

    [Zhuanglian fans, can you stop bringing the fan circle to Baby Zong? ]

    [I'm annoying when I see it]

    On the TV, the ending song also finished playing, and Zhou Porridge turned off the TV.

    "It's getting late, go upstairs to take a shower and go to bed."


    Bubble and Coke followed their father, ready to go upstairs.

    But Zhuang Lian beckoned to Juzi: "Juzi, I haven't practiced for half an hour today, let's practice for a while."

    The smile on Juzi's face faded a lot in an instant, Zhuang Lian put his arms around him and whispered: "Don't you Practicing the piano, the elders on the big daddy side will not like us, huh? Do you want daddy to be hated? Just think it is because of daddy." Juzi

    nodded: "Okay, daddy."

    "Come on." Zhuang Lian put his onto the piano bench.

    Bubble and Coke stood at the stairs and turned their heads.

    Tangerine pressed the keys and turned his head. Both Bubble and Coke were lying beside the piano bench, raising their heads and looking at him seriously.

    Coke said seriously: "I said, I will protect you."

    Bubble nodded: "Yes, he said it."

    [Cute pinch]

    [Coke: Big brother doesn't know how to play the piano, but big brother will accompany you]

    [Bubble Pao: Pao Pao doesn't know how to play the piano, but Pao Pao insists that it's what Coke said]

    [Zhuang Lian's requirements for oranges are too strict, right? ]

    [Playing the piano is like this, every child practiced crying when they were young, and thanked their parents when they grow up]

    [Is it okay to take a day off once in a while? Orange obviously didn't smile anymore, alas]

    Not long after, Zhuang Lian seemed to realize that something was wrong, and quickly said, "Just finish playing this song." "


    Five minutes later, the three groups of families all returned to their own Room.

    The live broadcast room closes at nine o'clock, and there is less than half an hour left.

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