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    Both Zhou Porridge and Pao Pao were shocked.

    "Aren't you and dad divorced?"

    "Aren't we partners?"

    —— "Why do we live together?!"

    Cui Feng did not change his face: "Because of cooperation."

    Zhou Congee:)

    I believe you, you ghost, you Tell me "cooperation" every day.

    Then you call me "wife", put your arms around my waist, and now you want to live with me.

    Zhou Congee had a complicated expression: "You are so scheming, Mr. Cui, do you really not like me?"

    Cui Feng leaned back, leaned on the back of the sofa, touched his cuffs, and said lightly: "It's just a cooperative relationship. That's all."

    Zhou Porridge continued to ask: "I don't believe... Is it the kind of cooperative relationship where you cooperate to have a child? Cooperate to give birth to another child?"

    Cui Feng's ears were slightly red, and he whispered: "Congee Congee."

    The child is still there.

    Wealthy old men are more conservative, while young and young Zhou Congee are more unrestrained.

    Pao Pao stood beside him, puffing out his small chest: "Father, let's drive away Big Papa."

    Cui Feng regained his serious expression: "This is also my house."

    "Oh." Pao Pao thought for a while, "Then Dad, let's move out."

    Zhou Conge choked, and whispered, "Zhou Paopao, your father and I have no money."

    "Intern Dad" went bankrupt, and the original owner didn't know where the remuneration went. Zhou Congee alone None of them saw it.

    Bubbles are helpless, then they can only live with Big Daddy.

    Congee Zhou fled into the kitchen with Bubbles on his shoulders: "Auntie, what are you having for lunch?"

    The cooking aunt was startled by him, and the spatula in her hand almost fell into the pot: "Mr. Zhou."

    Mr. Zhou has changed a lot, he was obviously not so lively before.

    Zhou Congee asked: "Is Mr. Cui paying for the grocery shopping?"

    The aunt nodded: "Yes, we have an aunt who is in charge of purchasing, and Mr. Cui will reimburse you." "

    Understood." Zhou Congee began to order, "Mr. Cui said , He will have a feast of Australian lobster, king crab, and seafood tomorrow."

    He began to pretend to be powerful.

    The aunt nodded: "Understood, I will do it tomorrow."

    Not long after, Cui Feng's assistant brought Cui Feng's luggage over, put it down and left.

    After the cooking aunt finished cooking, she simply cleaned up the kitchen and left.

    In the huge villa, only a family of three remained.

    In the restaurant, Pao Pao was sitting on the baby chair, Zhou Porridge and Cui Feng were sitting face to face, and they could even hear each other's breathing and chewing.

    Zhou Congee buried his head in his meal, pretending that he didn't think about anything.

    After eating, Cui Feng cleared the table.

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