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    Because the formalities have not been completed yet, Coke still has to go back to the orphanage with the teacher of the orphanage.

    The other cubs are also getting ready to go home.

    They said goodbye in the hotel lobby.

    "Bye, Coke, you have to call us when you get back."

    "I see, bye."

    "Call us as soon as you get there."


    Ji Yao carried Coke's small suitcase and a small schoolbag, and pass the things to the teacher.

    "Hello, teacher, there are Coke clothes in the suitcase, some of his daily necessities in the schoolbag, and some snacks I bought for him, which he can take home and share with other children. "

    "By the way, he has a children's watch, which I also bought for him. If the orphanage can't take it, please help him put it away. He is a little used to being with us now. If he wants to find us, then Give him the watch."

    "By the way, you can save my number, and if there is anything to do with Coke, you can call me."

    The teacher of the orphanage looked at him with a smile, and took out his mobile phone: "Okay."

    Zhou Congee stood next to her with her arms folded, and couldn't help but "tsk tsk": "Wow, Ji Yao has today, doesn't he hate children the most?"

    Ji Yao turned around and gave him a sharp look: "Shut up, I I love children the most."

    "Oh." Zhou Conge covered his mouth.

    On the other side, the cubs and Coke are still saying goodbye.

    "Let's make an appointment to go to a kindergarten, okay?"

    "Coke, I can't bear you!"

    "Call us as soon as you get back there."

    Coke patted his small chest: "Okay, no problem!"

    "Call us as soon as you get in the car, I'm more at ease."

    Coke continued to pat his small chest: "It's okay, no problem!"

    Bubble said, "Let's call now."

    " Now?" The cubs were surprised.

    "That's right, right now. We're still together now. If we can't get through on the phone, we can solve it face to face. If we call later, where can I go to find you if the phone doesn't get through?" Very reasonable

    ! Bubbles, you are a little genius!

    All five cubs took out their children's watches and entered the group chat mode.

    "Hello? I'm Bubble, can you hear me?"

    "Hey, I'm Tangerine, I'm Tangerine!" "Hey, hey, hey..."

    "Hey, hey,

    hey" everywhere.

    "We need to separate a little bit so that we can confirm whether we can get through the phone."


    The five cubs ran away separately and went to the corner of the lobby to confirm that there was no problem with the phone.

    "That's good. Let's keep it like this until we get in the car."


    Not long after, the parents also drove over to pick them up.

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