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    In front of the stationery store.

    Zhou Porridge was sitting on the steps, holding a small white eraser, and using a knife to make the final touches on it.

    Bubble held the silver taels of props from the program group, and gave his father a reference.

    The others waited nervously: "Papa Bubble, come on."

    At this time, Director Xiao Zhang shouted not far away with a loudspeaker: "The last five minutes, the game will end soon! Please hurry up!"

    Everyone turned around: "Wait Just a moment! Don't make noise!"

    "Oh." The director walked away silently.

    Zhou Porridge was not affected at all. He glanced at the silver and then at the eraser. Relying on his strong psychological quality, he held the knife and moved smoothly.

    [Great country craftsman (confirmed)]

    [The program team won't ask the government to come over, will it? ]


    Finally finished.

    Zhou Porridge let out a long sigh of relief, held the eraser in his palm, and held it high in the air.

    "How? It looks similar, right?"

    Everyone quickly covered his hand: "Don't let the program crew see it."

    "Oh." Zhou Conge quickly held the eraser in the palm of his hand and hid it.

    【We've all seen it long ago】

    【The cameraman has also seen it】

    【The director must have seen it too】

    Zhou Congee cleared his throat: "Why are you nervous? This is real money, not fake."

    The others suddenly realized.

    "Ah, yes, it is true."

    "We have a clear conscience and are frank."

    [The highest state of deception, I also believe it]

    [It’s okay to lie to the program group, don’t fool yourself too]

    They mixed forty-nine silver pieces with a piece of white eraser, shook them, and redistributed them.

    Zhou Congee split the money: "I get one for Coke, one for orange, one for baa..." "

    I'll do it." Ji Yao pushed him away, "I can do anything, but it doesn't count.

    " In a matter of seconds, they split the silver in two, and brought it to the director confidently.

    "Let's check, there are ten families in each group."

    The director waved his hand, and the staff in charge of acceptance—Da Wang also stepped forward confidently with a magnifying glass.

    "Why is it you again?" Zhou Congee said helplessly, "Our big benefactor is not very poor, right? Why are you the only actor from the beginning to the end?" The king said confidently, "Because

    I am a special actor, they invited me to spend money. I’m still very tired.”

    Zhou Conge remained skeptical: “Oh.”

    “Zhou Conge, just wait for me, I’m sure I’ll find out which one is fake. With us, You will be locked up in jail for making fakes."

    Zhou Congee was startled, and quickly said: "I was wrong, my lord, I'm sorry, don't be angry, we are all small animals, and small animals should help small animals." The king "

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