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    Quaint ancient city, streets with people coming and going.     Zhou Porridge sat on the side of

    the road to enjoy the shade, and Bubble yelled loudly: "Tiger skin skirt! Tiger skin skirt! One tael of silver!"

One tiger skin skirt after another was taken out of the box.

    Bubble continued to shout: "Tiger skins are all made of fresh tigers! They are very fresh! Come and see them!"

    The king had a complex expression, could it not be fresh? His big tiger gave birth on the spot.

    [From primitive society to ancient society, the bullied king remains unchanged]

    [The king enters capitalist society alone]

    [Does Bubble think tiger skins are hawthorn slices? Also freshly made hahaha]

    [They actually traveled in the primitive society and ancient times, and got rich by buying and selling, right? right? ]

    [This family is really business-minded]

    [Program group: I can't do it anymore]

    The program group is really stupid.

    According to their plan, Zhou Zhou and Pao Pao should experience a "failure in the exam" and then find other jobs.

    They set up several group performances on this street, the owner of the pawn shop, the owner of the teahouse, and the butler of the palace, waiting for Zhou Congee and Pao Pao to find a job.

    If it doesn't work, they can also rely on Coke or oranges.

    In all fairness, task setting is not very difficult for them.

    As a result...

    they ran to sell tiger skin skirts.

    Da Wang is the head of the extravaganza, and is also responsible for keeping the equipment. The used tiger skin skirt has not been returned yet.

    Zhou Porridge and Pao Pao surrounded him from left to right, threatening him to hand over the tiger skin skirt, and then he really handed it over.

    This is obviously robbery!

    But director Zhang sat on the ponytail and took control of the overall situation, not intending to stop them at all.

    The staff turned their heads silently, ok... ok, as long as they can find a job.

    The weather was a bit hot, Zhou Porridge was sitting under the eaves, fanning himself with the big sleeves of his toga.

    Bubble tried to sell: "Tiger skin skirt! Tiger skin skirt..." He turned around and said, "Father, I'm exhausted, so you can shout too

    ." Little friend, would you like a tiger skin skirt! The same clothes as Monkey King!" The

    ten-year-old extra performer heard "Monkey King", his eyes lit up, and he ran forward quickly.

    Zhou Porridge greeted him enthusiastically, and wrapped the tiger skin skirt around his waist: "Come here, try it on first, and try it on without money." "

    Okay, thank you brother." The child happily accepted the try-on invite.

    Bubble propped his head and looked here angrily.

    How can Dad dress other children?

    This child still calls "Dad" and "Brother". Is Dad so young?

Cannon Fodder Dad Dressed As A Baby Where stories live. Discover now