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    The cubs are having a party in Coke's room.

    Zhou Porridge leaned against the door and watched for a while, while Pao Pao was publicizing how hard he had worked.

    "Daddy and eldest daddy don't care about the wedding at all, daddy plays games at home every day! Big daddy plays games with daddy every day! It's just me, I'm looking at the wedding plan!" "Wow!" Juzi exclaimed, "Bubble,

    you Do you know a lot of words now? You can even understand the plan!" "

    Of course." Bubbles said with his hands on his hips, "Daddy is going to hold a wedding in the vampire castle. The vampire castle is so scary, how can we hold a wedding?"

    " It’s been held before.”

    “It was a game before, but this time it’s real.” Pao Pao sighed, “No way, Dad must, I can only help Dad.”

    A heartbroken kid Cubs.

    Zhou Congee: "..."

    Fart, little boy, what kind of plan do you understand? You can only understand the picture above.

    The vampire castle is not that scary, you visited it a few days ago.

    Bubble continued: "I think Dad and Big Daddy got married for the first time, and it must have been a mess. Fortunately, now that I'm born, I can help them organize the wedding well." Zhou Congee: "..." Although I don't remember the


    wedding A wedding, but he guesses it won't be too bad, because there isn't a smug little pup!

    Coke asked: "Bubble, when I first left, didn't you still disagree with their marriage? Why did you suddenly agree now?" Bubble replied: "Because I know, the most

    important thing about marriage is..."

    Zhou Porridge answered: "Happy."

    "No!" Bubble said loudly, "The most important thing is that the two should be compatible."

    Zhou Conge covered his mouth: "Oh, then I and your eldest daddy are very compatible? Let me tell you about the specific match." "

    Dad is a man, and your eldest dad is also a man."

    Very good match!

    "Dad is in his twenties, and eldest dad is in his thirties, there is only a little difference." It

    also matches well!

    "Daddy likes to pinch other people's bellies when he sleeps, and big daddy just has muscles."

    The cubs exclaimed, "It's so good for each other!"

    "So daddy and big daddy are a natural match." The words are not very confident.

    Zhou Congee:?

    "Zhou Paopao, who taught you these things?"

    "Big Daddy!"

    Zhou Porridge looked complicated, and turned to go downstairs to find Cui Feng: "Fair, what did you teach him?"

    After closing the door of the room, The cubs continue to discuss the wedding.

    Bubbles said: "I designed a castle flower wedding for Dad."

    The cubs raised their voices: "You designed it?"

    "Designed by the designer." Bubbles whispered, "The wedding is held in the garden. The big flower gate, the lawn is covered with carpets, there are seats for the audience on both sides, and a podium in the middle of the front." "Podium?

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