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    [Cute snake? ? ? 】

    【Porridge, what are you doing? Mr. Cui, what are you talking about? 】

    【Mr. Cui: As long as anything related to porridge is called "cute"】

    【Mr. Cui will immediately register a trademark and put it on porridge】

    A cute snake is also a snake, as long as there is a "snake".

    Zhou Porridge got up from the ground, patted the dust off his body, and looked at the paper that Job's tears held up high.

    The third word, elephant.

    "Mr. Cui." Zhou Porridge pinched his right ear with his left hand, passed through the middle with his right hand, and turned around.

    Cui Feng was certain: "Cute little elephant."

    "Yes!" Zhou Porridge gave him a thumbs up.

    [The word cute is hard to pass, isn't it? ]

    [No matter how I look at porridge, I just find it funny]

    [Mr. Cui's filter is really strong, it's only 3,000 degrees]

    Zhou porridge turned his head and continued to look at the fourth word.

    The writing was a little small, and the barley was a little far away, so he couldn't see what the fourth one was.

    Zhou Congee narrowed his eyes, took a closer look, and came to his senses.

    "Mr. Cui, look at me." Zhou Porridge pulled Pao Pao over, took off his shoes, and fell to the ground with a "slap".

    Bubbles is puzzled: "Father?"

    "President Cui, this."

    Cui Feng said firmly, "Cute cockroach."


    [Does this thing have to be cute? 】

    【Huh? I found out, Choi is always in love with brains! 100% pure love brain! 】

    【I hope that Congee will grab Mr. Cui's neck and shake him vigorously to wake him up! 】

    [The little couple doesn't need to be sober, it's just cute! Just cute! 】

    At this time, Barley exclaimed beside him: "Papa Pao, it's a praying mantis, not a cockroach!" "

    Huh?" Zhou Congee took a step forward, and carefully looked at the words on the paper.

    Oh, it's really a praying mantis, not a cockroach, he was wrong.

    "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Zhou Porridge said to Cui Feng, "Mr. Cui, the cute cockroaches are no longer needed, next one." "Okay."


    they violated the rules - the director said, so you cut the game time by half than I guess , becomes five minutes.

    Within five minutes, Zhou Porridge acted as a cute cat, a cute snake, a cute elephant, a cute rhinoceros, a cute centipede...

    all kinds of cute animals.

    [This can be cute too]

    [Mr. Cui pointed out that a deer is a horse! 】

    Cui Fengdao: "I've written down everything I guessed just now. I'll prepare the props later and send them over tonight." "

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