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    According to the map in Barley's hand, a group of people spent half an hour walking through half of the forest with sticks on the branches, and finally came to the hay farm where the hay was stored.

    Barley went up and knocked on the door: "Hello, is there anyone?"

    The cubs knocked on the door together, and the knocking sounded loudly: "Is there anyone? We want some hay!"

    The parents stopped them: "Don't leave other people's farms The knock on the door is broken, knock gently."

    An old goat grandfather with a white beard walked out with his hands behind his back: "Come on, come on, what are you doing?"

    The farmer in the primeval forest had a little accent , it's normal.

    "Grandpa, we want some hay, can you?"

    "Kuo Yi, five shells for a bundle of hay."

    "Shells? What are shells?"

    "Shells are the money here, don't you have any?"

    "We don't have any, Your Majesty didn’t give us any money.”

    “Then there’s nothing we can do.”

    Zhou Porridge stepped forward: “Grandpa, we are from the opposite tribe, do you know our Majesty? Let’s take some hay back first, and tomorrow our Majesty will take it away. Is it okay to send you the money?"

    "No." "

    Then we will give you the camera and the microphone in exchange for some hay, is that okay?"

    The cameraman hurriedly protected his camera:? ! ! !

    Can't! You bandits!

    The old man was very firm: "No."

    "Is there any other way? Because we really have no money, please." "

    That's good, you come in and help me with housework, I'll give you some hay, okay? Okay?"

    "Okay, thank you Grandpa."

    Grandpa Goat opened the door for them, and a group of people squeezed in.

    Here's a log cabin with hay all over the back.

    "Grandpa, what are we going to do?"

    "The children came to help me clean up and washed the dishes. The adults came to the backyard to help me mow the grass." "


    The sink in the kitchen was full of bowls, and the adults helped me The cubs took out the bowls, put them in basins, brought them to the yard, and put them next to the faucet for them to wash.

    Zhou Congee put down the bowl: "It's so heavy! Grandpa, you eat so many bowls by yourself?" The

    grandfather replied indifferently: "I don't eat bowls, I eat." Zhou Congee     choked

    : "Oh."

, The historic moment, record it]

    [These days, there are not many people who can make Congee feel deflated]

    [The program team should confess to the old man]

    [When Congee is embarrassed again, please invite the old man out]

    The children wore aprons and squatted beside the water basin.

    "Coke, you are in charge of washing the first time, and wet the bowl."

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