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    Zhou Congee and Paopao pushed the mop and chased the director halfway down the lobby.

    The director held the thermos cup: "Stop chasing me, I was wrong!"

    Bubble chased after him: "No way! You will spill water on the ground."

    "I won't, I dare not !"

    "Then you swear!"

    "I swear, I swear."

    "I don't believe it!"

    "Didn't you make me swear? Then you don't believe it!"

    "I don't care, I don't believe it anyway!"

    The director ran ahead Run, Bubble is chasing after you.

    After a while, Zhou Porridge stopped and sat down on the ground: "Pao Pao, Dad can't run anymore, you can continue to run."

    Pao Pao braked urgently and turned back: "No, Dad, we want to run together, director I will take the opportunity to sprinkle water on the ground."

    The director tried to defend: "No, really not."

    Zhou Conge hugged Pao Pao: "He even said no, trust him once."

    "Hmm..." Pao Pao Pao took the mop, "Then you go downstairs and don't come to our place."

    "Okay, okay."

    The director went downstairs with his thermos cup in his hand, unscrewed the cup silently, and took a sip of wolfberry hot water .

    He originally wanted to play tricks on Zhou Congee, but he did not expect to be teased by Zhou Congee.

    He is really a little devil, and he will never get in front of a little devil again.

    Cubs never seem to get tired. Bubbles pushes the mop, runs from here to there, from there to here, runs around, and draws with the mop in the lobby.

    Zhou Porridge was so tired that he sat on the ground, and Pao Pao mopped the floor around him.

    "Father, are you okay? Get up and let me mop the place where you are sitting."

    Zhou Congee moved his butt, and Bubble mopped the floor seriously.

    "Dad, have you rested enough? Get up and mop the floor."

    "Your father, I have no strength." Zhou Congee moved to the side again, "I dragged this side." "...

    Dad." Pao Pao choked, "You're crazy."

    Zhou Porridge, wearing a cleaner's uniform, tried to roll over on the ground, but before he could roll around, he was stopped by the supervisor.

    "That little hamster over there, what are you doing?"

    Zhou Congee said confidently, "Wiping the floor."

    "You can't wipe the floor like this, get up quickly."

    Zhou Congee lay on the ground: "No."

    "Deduct money... "

    Zhou Congee stood up abruptly and took the mop automatically.

    That's about the same.

    The lobby is really too big, and they dragged it for a full two hours before they were basically finished.

    The supervisor came to check, and if the inspection passed, they could get today's salary.

    Zhou Porridge and Pao Pao surrounded the supervisor, staring at him seriously for inspection.

Cannon Fodder Dad Dressed As A Baby Where stories live. Discover now