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    In an instant, the barrage in the "Training Dad" live broadcast room decreased a lot.

    [The program team finally started to control the barrage]

    [Once the stench barrage is blocked, the harmony will be much better immediately]

    [You can watch baby dramas happily! ]

    [It's not difficult to add a keyword to block, I don't understand why the program group is doing it now]

    [I'm speechless by picking up Zhou Porridge to suck traffic]

    [What traffic does Zhou Porridge have? Don't be too funny, he will be crazy if someone scolds him, okay? Doesn't he just like heat? ]

    This barrage was blocked within a second of sending it out.

    Director Wang sat in front of the screen, watching the hot live broadcast room, full of ambition, suddenly, the barrage was reduced by half, he opened his eyes wide, and immediately called the staff.

    "What's going on?"

    "Director Wang, someone reported a lot of malicious barrage. We just received a call. The relevant department asked us to rectify the barrage immediately. We can only increase the shielding level here, and many barrages have been blocked. It's outside."

    Even the staff couldn't help feeling: "There are too many bullet screens scolding Zhou Congee...it's too ugly."

    Director Wang didn't speak, hung up the phone directly, and smashed the phone hard On the sofa.

    How could he be reconciled to the heat that had finally been stirred up so quickly?

    He rubbed his temples, thought for a while, picked up his phone, and called the assistant director: "Hello? Xiao Zhang? You can change the script again and advance the part of inviting parents." The person on the other side of the phone was a little

    hesitant : "Director Wang, do you mean to invite another parent to the restaurant ahead of time? How early should it be mentioned?" "

    Immediately, in a few days.

    " It's almost done, invite other guests to make a more warm ending together, this is more reasonable and suitable as the ending, and..."

    Director Wang interrupted him impatiently: "You are the director, I am the director? Give you the title of assistant director, you really think of yourself as an assistant director, the program flow you designed is not at all popular, you think the audience Are they here to see father and children love each other? No, they are here to scold people." "

    I told you to do it ahead of time, hurry up and write, I will see the new script this afternoon!"

    Director Wang cursed and hung up the phone directly .

    As long as you can stir up the heat, nothing else is a problem.

    Zhuang Lianke told him that Paopao's father is a half-dead old man, and Zhou Congee has lied now, as long as he is exposed on the show, it will definitely stir up another wave of popularity.

    Their program team did nothing wrong, that lie was spread by Zhou Porridge himself, and the program team just accidentally exposed it.

    Wa Zong continued—

    the group greeted briefly with the two new families and returned to the villa.

    It took them three minutes to choose a room, put their luggage away, and returned to the living room.

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