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    Big win!

    The five cubs walked out of the castle holding slingshots and holding hands.

    [The winning team is coming towards us now, the brave and smart Bao Zai Zai Zai team! 】

    【Wuhu! Applause! Extremely warm and close to crazy applause! ]

    "We won!"

    The program team had already set up the awards platform at the gate of the castle, and the fathers and the staff of the program team were waiting for them outside.

    The five cubs held hands, stepped onto the podium and bowed.

    "Thank you everyone! Thank you everyone!"

    The director held up the loudspeaker: "Congratulations to the five children who have successfully cleared the haunted house. Now I invite the fathers to present medals to everyone."

    Pao Pao puffed up her belly and accepted her father's praise.

    Zhou Porridge was wearing a little ghost sheet, and slowly floated in front of Pao Pao.

    "Oh, brave Bubble, you have avenged your father, you are the bravest little Bubble in the world, you are Dad's favorite little Bubble." Bubble

    's belly grew taller and taller: "I And I love Dad the most.”

    Zhou Porridge turned around and took a gold medal from the staff: “Now, Dad is going to give you a medal that represents courage and wisdom...”

    Before Zhou Porridge finished speaking, the bubble was very With a small belly, suddenly the whole cub fell backwards: "Dad!"

    Zhou Conge quickly reached out and hugged him: "Stand up, stand still, don't get excited!"

    Bubble stood up on the awarding platform again, and Zhou Conge patted him Little belly: "It's ok, don't push your stomach anymore."

    "Okay." Bubble tried to inhale, and sucked his little belly in.

    Zhou Congee continued to speak his unfinished lines: "Now, Dad will award you this medal representing courage, wisdom and the power of Long Aotian!" [And what

    ? 】

    [With the power of Long Aotian? 】

    Zhou Congee said solemnly: "Zhou Paopao!"

    Paopao stood up and stomped his feet: "Here!"

    The companions standing with him felt the floor shake, this is the legendary power of Long Aotian .

    Zhou Paopao stomped his feet, and the whole earth moved down by one centimeter.

    Zhou Congee picked up the medal: "Please lower your head."

    "Okay." Pao Pao obediently lowered her head in front of her father.

    Zhou Porridge opened the ribbon of the medal: "I hope you will continue to work hard, continue to maintain your courage and wisdom, listen to your father, stop saying that your father is childish, and stop looking at your father with 'why are you so childish', can you do it? "

    "Yes." Bubble raised his head, Xiaolong Aotian's face was full of "Why is Dad so naive".

    Bubble blinked and blinked: "Dad, are you finished? Can you hang up the medal for me? I've been waiting for a long time."

    Forget it.

    Zhou Conge hung the medal around his neck. Bubble couldn't help reaching out and touching the golden medal, then suddenly lowered his head and bowed: "Thank you, Dad!" "You're welcome!" The next second

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