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    The primeval forest, the third day.

    This is the most critical day. If they can't destroy the treasure today, they will be completely controlled by the king.

    This morning, before dawn, everyone woke up early.

    It was impossible for the group performers to stay outside the cave all night. After the live broadcast room was closed last night, they went back to sleep.

    Bubble poked his head out, glanced outside, and whispered: "They're gone, good chance, let's sneak away now?" "


    The cubs hit it off, and the adults tried to stop it.

    "No, Pao Pao, everyone is still awake..."

    "I just want to escape before everyone is awake, otherwise how can I escape?"

    Pao Pao had a "Father is so stupid" expression on his face.

    "Oh, that's how it is."

    Zhou Congee had no choice but to get up with them.

    Everyone got out of their sleeping bags, put on their clothes, washed up briefly, and prepared to flee.

    A group of people walked out of the cave lightly. As soon as they walked out, they heard someone shouting in the cave: "It's not good! The guests have escaped!"

    followed by a burst of chaos.

    Director Xiao Zhang yelled: "What? Run away?!"

    All the staff members of the program team ran out to find someone. As soon as they ran out, they looked at each other with a group of people hiding in the grass.

    The cubs are still a little weird.

    "How can you see us? We hid in the grass yesterday, and the people of the Guangming Tribe couldn't see us." "...


    Because those two from yesterday were actors, I'll let you go.

    The staff held the cubs by the back of their necks, with a tiger in their left hand and a hamster in their right, and took them back to the cave, ordered them to continue to sleep, and could not start escaping until nine o'clock.

    Bubble asked: "But we all ran out, what if we can't escape at nine o'clock?"

    Director Zhang said: "Then we have to activate your wisdom."

    "We have activated your wisdom just now."

    "Wait a minute Have breakfast before leaving, or you will faint on the mountain."

    "Okay." Bubble said helplessly.

    If the program team hadn't stopped him, he would have taken everyone out of the cave long ago.

    Hateful program group.

    Zhou Congee hugged him: "It's okay, it's the same if you run again later."

    Zhou Congee sniffed and got back into his sleeping bag: "Dad, sleep a little longer, do you want to sleep?"

    Bubble sat puffy On the sleeping bag, the cheeks are bulging.

    Zhou Porridge poked his little cheek, and when he turned his head angrily, he quickly closed his eyes and pretended to sleep.

    "Dad, you're too naive."

    Pao Pao accuses him, while slipping into the sleeping bag, and sleeps back into the cage with Dad.

    At nine o'clock in the morning, the program team brought them breakfast.

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