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    Black leather shoes, ironed suit trousers, and a cool black coat.

    Cui Feng pushed open the door of the room.

    [? ? ? ]

    [Mr. Cui? why are you here ]

    [Isn't this obvious? Mr. Cui is the owner of the castle]

    [The director said yesterday that this is Mr. Cui's house]

    [Hahahaha, Congee also expected Mr. Cui to come and save him, but Mr. Cui is the big boss behind the scenes]

    [Mr. Cui is quite like a vampire , Wearing a suit all day long, it fits the character very well]

    [It is recommended that Congee don’t run away, just follow it]

    [Little hamster Congee, you have been surrounded by Mr. Chu, immediately give up resistance and get married quickly! Get married quickly! 】

    Zhou Porridge hid behind the secret door of the secret room, and quietly observed the outside through the gap.

    Help, he will not be forced into marriage.

    [Congee is hiding behind the door, really looks like a little hamster]

    [Cute, Mr. Cui puts Congee in his pocket]

    In the suite, Cui Feng didn’t find anyone, so he picked up the mahogany box full of gems on the table, I opened it and took a look.

    "Congee Congee, are you in there?"

    Zhou Congee:)

    Big idiot, so he hates his wife's brain the most.

    How could he hide in the box? Not really a hamster.

    Ji Yao poked him from behind: "Congee porridge?"

    Zhou Congee turned his head, and responded angrily: "What are you doing?"

    "What should we do now?"

    Before the owner of the castle found them, they quickly discussed the countermeasures .

    Coke clenched his small fists: "Let's yell now, and then rush out immediately."

    "No, there are so many of us, some people will always run slowly. And this is the fourth floor, we may not run fast, and may fall." "What should I do?" "


    let Papa Bubble marry the owner of the castle , let's get out of here."

    Zhou Porridge turned around: "I'll strangle you to death!"

    The next second, the door in front of them was pulled open.

    Zhou Conge squatted on the ground, still pinching Ji Yao's neck: "Are you human? You sold me..." His

    companions winked at him: "Congee Congee..."

    Zhou Congee turned his head, silently withdrew his hand, He smiled awkwardly at him: "Hi."

    Zhou Congee stretched out his hand, trying to pull the door back: "I can't see me, I can't see me."

    But Cui Feng held the hand he extended.

    Cui Feng, the owner of the castle, pulled him up from the ground: "My little hamster groom, what are you doing hiding here?"

    Zhou Conge couldn't help shaking: "Mr. Cui, can you stop calling me this?

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