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    The small animals can have a full meal at the small animal restaurant without spending a penny.

    Half an hour later, Zhou Conge led Pao Pao, and the two walked past the director swaggeringly with their chubby stomachs.

    Zhou Porridge is full of confidence: "This task is too simple."

    Bubbles praised his father: "That's right, my father thought of a solution immediately." "

    Come to eat at night, small animal restaurant, small animals are free."

    "Dad You are so smart!"

    "Hiahiahia." The black-hearted father and son let out a villainous laughter and walked away slowly.

    Director Zhang's hand holding the loudspeaker trembled slightly.

    Very angry, but there is nothing he can do.

    [Hiahiahia, what kind of laughter is this? ]

    [You two are like villains in a TV series (pointing)]

    [Pao Pao has been completely distorted by porridge, our original laughter is very cute]

    [What's the use of cute laughter? It's best to have a full meal with Dad! ]

    [Director: Revenge.jpg]

    Zhou Porridge and Pao Pao resumed their old business and continued to squat on the side of the road selling tiger skin skirts.

    As long as they sell one more dress, they're successful.

    But Coke and Ji Yao, who had already completed their tasks, insisted on squatting next to them and making trouble for them.

    Bubble gained strength again, and yelled loudly: "Fresh tiger skin skirt—"

    Ji Yan answered, "It just came off a tiger skin roll cake!"

    Bubble turned to look at him: "Papa Coke?"

    Ji Yao smiled: "It's okay, just keep shouting."

    Zhou Congee said seriously: "Ji Yao, I warn you, don't disturb Dad's business, or you will be miserable."

    Ji Yao said confidently: "Son, this is the street, you can squat here, and I can squat here too. "

    When there is a crisis in the show, they face the crisis together and solve the problem.

    When there are no crises on the show...

    they are the crises themselves.

    Bubble turned back: "Fresh tiger skin skirt..."

    Ji Yan continued: "Tiger skin cake..."

    Zhou Congee waved his hand: "Bubble, go! Use your iron head skills!"

    The next second, Bubble knocked Ji Yao over with his head.

    "Father, let's go!" Bubble picked up the tiger skin skirt and left coolly.

    Zhou Porridge smiled at Ji Yao: "I have already warned you, you will be very miserable, this is a young martial arts genius."

    And the iron head does not discriminate against anyone, even his own father would hit him, not to mention It's Uncle Ji.

    Ji Yao sat on the ground with a complicated expression, and took Coke to find oranges.

    Zhou Congee and Pao Pao walked around the streets with their tiger skin skirts in their arms.

    But it never sold the last one.

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