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    The director wept.

    The director lay on the table and refused to get up.

    He tore off fifty hairs and stayed up all night to come up with the script, which was called too naive by Xiao Zai Zai.

    He is dead!

    Bubble stood beside him, with a lie detector on Xiaorou's arm, patted his back, trying to comfort him: "Director, don't be too sad, I believe you will do better and better .”

    The director raised his head tearfully.

    As a result, the lie detector was brought down by Bubbles, and it hit the director's back with a "crack".

    The director was beaten down again.

    Everyone else was laughing wildly.

    The director calmed down: "Okay, the director will listen to Pao Pao's opinion and create some more mature stories."

    Pao Pao asked: "Have you finished asking your questions?"

    "After you have asked..." The director glanced down Taiben, "Oh, not yet. The last question, does

    Pao Pao love Dad?" Dad."

    Zhou Porridge smiled at him and gave him a thumbs up.

    The director asked again: "How much do you love Dad? Or, how do you love Dad?"

    Bubble replied confidently: "I love Dad so much, I never say cry Dad, you will all be told to cry by me, I don't He will treat Dad like this."

    Zhou Congee said quietly: "He will hit me directly."

    Bubbles turned his head and stomped angrily: "Dad!"

    He grabbed the lie detector on his arm, rushed to Dad, drilled into his arms, dragged away the puppy pillow in his arms and threw it away, and got in by himself.

    Dad can only hug him.

    【It seems to be true】

    [Bubble has a very vicious tongue, he will choke others to death when talking to others, but he never hates his father, in front of his father, he will only be choked by his father] [

    But he will only directly hurt his father (thumb)]

    [This It's the baby's expression of loving someone! Exception to Dad! ]

    [Woo, everyone says that there are no parents who don’t love their children. In fact, I think there should be no babies who don’t love their parents. No matter how the parents treat the baby, the baby is just like a puppy. In self-guided strategy, constantly love dad and mom]

    【If dad doesn't love baby, baby will always love dad! 】

    Zhou Conge hugged Pao Pao, and secretly smacked his cheek, super loudly!

    Bubble covered his little face, and turned around: "Dad?"

    Zhou Conge put his arms around him, pretending to be looking at other places: "Wow, your face is so red, did you get stung by a bee?"

    Bubble whispered Said: "I was stung by Daddy's little bee."

    [Congee Congee is very happy, right? ]

    [Bubble said he liked Dad so much]

    [My heart melted]

    The director continued to draw lots, and the next one was Coke.

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