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    [Really fell asleep? ]

    [I bet fifty cents, Zhou Congee is definitely pretending to be asleep]

    [I know no one likes him, so why don't you just show it off? ]

    [The host is speechless]

    [Although, Zhou Congee is really good-looking]

    [The one in front who keeps saying that Zhou Congee is beautiful, is he a fan of Zhou Congee? ]

    [Laughing, Zhou Congee still has fans? ]

    [Who would believe that he really slept? Did you pose on purpose? ]

    [You must have calculated the camera angle, right? ]

    [But he... sleeps on his back, his head is about to fall off...]

    Bubble hugged her small schoolbag and sat obediently on the safety seat.

    He was also a little sleepy. He was still making braised lion heads late yesterday, and he didn't get enough sleep.

    Still, he glanced up at the camera fixed in front, is sleeping allowed?

    He turned his head and looked at his father next to him.

    Dad slept on his back, and let out a small "hum" as the car bumped.

    Sleep soundly like a piggy.

    Dad is asleep, so it should be okay, right?

    Bubble took out another small handkerchief, covered himself up, then hugged the small schoolbag, closed his eyes, and rested his sleep quietly.

    [Hahahaha, cover yourself with one too]

    [Bubble rules: You must cover your belly button when you sleep! ]

    The host sitting in the front row sent a message to Director Wang, and his phone was turned off.

    Host: [Director Wang, what should we do? They were all asleep]

    [There is no topic, how is the popularity of the live broadcast room? ]

    [I always feel that Zhou Congee is different from before, he is not as easy to handle as before]

    Director Wang also seemed to have a bit of a headache, and his reply was not as fast as before.

    The original plan of the program group was to rely on Zhou Congee to create a little topicality, use "Zhou Congee's ugly appearance", "Zhuang Lian Zhou Congee Talk", "Zhou Congee Performance", several hot searches, and bring the popularity of the program to the public on the first day of live broadcast. stand up.

    As a result, Zhou Porridge didn't catch on at all, and now, there are only a few fans of the guests in the live broadcast room, and the outsiders don't know anything about it, and there is no enthusiasm at all.

    Five minutes later, Director Wang replied.

    [It's okay, it's fine if you come to the villa, the guests arranged are all Zhou Congee's sworn enemies]

    [I don't believe they can't fight]

    The host went through the rest of the guests in his mind, especially today's one, This guy's violent temper is well-known in the circle, and it's not a small holiday with Zhou Congee, enough to drink a pot of Zhou Congee.

    The host turned his head, glanced at Zhou Porridge and Pao Pao who were sleeping soundly with disgust, and then turned back quickly.

    Half an hour later, the car stopped at Longhu Villa.

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