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    Poor little hamster Porridge was forced into marriage by a mysterious vampire.

    Zhou Congee tried his best to resist, but his friends didn't show any sign.

    Oh, one thing, his friends are helping him with wedding planning.

    In the lobby, a group of people are moving tables, spreading tablecloths, hanging curtains, and setting up the wedding hall.

    Zhou Porridge:)

    Zhou Porridge sat on the ground and fixed the curtains with Cui Feng.

    Cui Fengka put on a curtain hook, and Zhou Porridge took off the hook, making trouble all the time.

    Infinite loop.

    Cui Feng was a little helpless: "Congee porridge..."

    Zhou Congee said confidently, "I'm helping."

    Bubble pouted and squeezed into the middle of them.

    separate! separate!

    [Bubble is angry and pinched]

    [Mr. Cui, you are finished, you will be killed by Bubble]

    [Every time I talk about Bubble Creator, I always think of that emoji, the little mouse is flying the plane, I will kill you! ]

    Zhou Conge hugged Pao Pao: "What's the matter with you?"

    Pao Pao whispered: "Dad, can you not marry Big Daddy?" "


    "If we get married, we won't be able to continue filming the show , The treasure has not been found yet."

    "This is a game." Zhou Porridge whispered to him, "I won't get married here." "



    Bubbles hugged his father's neck and stuck it to his father's neck. In his ear, he whispered: "Dad, Barley asked you to get the eldest dad away. We need to discuss what to do next." "

    Okay, no problem."

    Zhou Congee cleared his throat, looked up at Cui Feng, and said to him, "Mr. Cui, did you bring the sucking jelly? I want to eat it."

    Cui Feng stood up and said, "It's in the car, I'll get it."

    "Okay, thank you."

    After Cui Feng left, everyone gathered to discuss things.

    "What should we do now?"

    "Let Papa Pao stay and get married, and let's go."

    "Is what you're talking about human?" Zhou Porridge pinched Coke's face.

    Bubble clenched her fists, "No, I want to go with my dad!"

    Barley raised her hand, "I agree, let's go together." "

    But how do we go? Now we are all vampires, we can't leave This castle."

    "Yeah, the treasure! We haven't found the treasure yet!"

    Yeah, the treasure that's been there since the first issue, they've been looking for it.

    At the beginning of this episode, the director also told them to find the treasure.

    It's a pity that they put all their attention on finding the "vampire" and completely forgot about it.

    "As long as you find the treasure and press the switch, at worst you can switch time and space, go to other places, and leave the castle directly." "

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