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    Putting everything away, everyone started to visit the castle, looking for clues.

    At the beginning, they suspected that each other was a vampire, so they stayed away.

    It didn't take long for them to put the vampire thing behind them and stick together again.

    Even vampires can post stickers.

    "Anyway, the director said that a vampire can only infect one person a day." "

    It doesn't matter, we won't all be infected anyway." "

    I'm a smart guy, the vampire will definitely infect me first, and you are all safe." "

    Bubble... ..."

    Little King Zhou Porridge led the way: "Our castle is very big, and it is easy to get lost if no one leads the way."

    Start from the first floor.

    Zhou Porridge helped them introduce: "Entering from the gate is the lobby, and at the top is my throne, which is made of pure gold and inlaid with precious stones, which is priceless..." Barley rubbed her chin: "Papa Bubble,

    this It is the throne of the great king in the primeval forest."

    "Uh... this..."

    "It is also the throne of the hunter chief in the ancient world."

    "This..." Zhou Congee was a little embarrassed, "I am the third generation of this throne."

    Barley suddenly realized: "So that's how it is!"

    Zhou  Congee gave her a thumbs up: "The memory of Barley is really strong. "

    【Is all the money used to rent this castle?】

    "The restaurant is on the left side of the lobby, and there is a small door. We ate here last night, and barley came in through the small door."

    "Yeah." Barley opened the small door, "Outside is the forest, it rained yesterday, I followed the candlelight, and ran to this castle. My footprints are still on the ground." She took a step forward, at this time, the

    staff Operate the smoke machine outside the door to emit gray smoke.

    The director reminded them: "The whole castle is cursed, you can't step out of the castle."

    Barley withdrew her foot and said, "Okay."

    Coke took a step forward, and was bounced back with an "ow".

    He clutched his chest and pretended to be weak: "Ahem, this place is really cursed... We can't get out..." The

    children started to imitate him: "Oh! We were bounced back!"

    Famous director Jiang Yicheng Made a very high evaluation of their performance: "The performance is very good, but we are going to the second floor now." "

    Come on!"

    Go to the second floor through the spiral staircase.

    Zhou Congee continued to introduce: "The second floor is the king's study, the little prince's classroom, and the tutor's room." "The king's desk

    is also made of pure gold."

    Tangerine touched the corner of the table and kindly reminded him: "My king, the paint on your desk has come off."

    Zhou Congee said without changing his expression, "This is gold paint."

    There are many books in King Bao Zaifa's study, maybe they can come here to find information about the curse.

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