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    Zhou Congee and Pao Pao walked around the entrance of the restaurant one hundred and eight times, and finally, they welcomed the first customer of the restaurant.

    This is a very young girl. She was carrying a backpack, walked to the wall, stopped, and took out her mobile phone to take a look.

    The group chat on the phone is flickering.

    [If you haven’t done the data today, do it quickly, and check in the group after you finish it]

    [Zhuang Zhuang’s baby has been comprehensive for several days, the data has not reached the target, please work harder]

    [@超爱庄庄, have you gone yet? Have you seen Zhuangzhuang? ]

    The little fan pressed the phone: [I'm here, I'm about to go in]

    That's right, she is a fan of Zhuang Lian, and she has been staying in the live broadcast room for the past few days. As soon as the program team released the website for restaurant reservations, she clicked in .

    Unexpectedly, she was the first person to make an appointment.

    When she received the text message yesterday, she still couldn't believe it.

    Today she deliberately woke up early to catch the earliest high-speed rail, the first one to come, to meet her idol, and... [

    @超爱庄庄, Zhuangzhuang hasn’t played in the past few days, how much are you Get him some shots]

    [@超爱庄庄, Zhou Congee always competes with Zhuang Zhuang, Zhuang Zhuang is too embarrassed to tear himself apart with him, so it's up to us] [Yes,

    Zhou Congee is very scheming, be careful]

    The little fan pressed the phone and replied: [I know]

    Zhuang Lian and Zhou Congee are opposites, and almost all Zhuang Lian's fans don't like Zhou Congee.

    Zhuang Lian is always bullied by Zhou Porridge, who likes to grab the show, has a bad temper, and likes to be a monster, but dare not fight back.

    So this time, she is here to seek justice for Zhuangzhuang!

    At this time, Bubble, who was on patrol, turned his head and met her eyes: "Auntie, are you here for dinner?" The

    little fan was stunned for a moment.

    Zhou Porridge covered his mouth and reminded him in a low voice: "Zai Zai with high EQ will call other people's sister or brother." "

    Oh." Bubble with high EQ broke away from his father's clutches, "Sister, are you here Food?"

    "Yes." The little fan nodded, facing the camera, suddenly a little timid and lost the courage to "help Zhuang Zhuang get ahead", "Is...is it here?" "Yes.

    " Bubble turned around and shouted inside, "Coke, here's a guest!"

    Coke came out of the restaurant like the wind: "Here you come! Guests are welcome!"

    The little fan smiled shyly and followed Coke in. "Thank you."

    To be honest, Zhou Porridge and Pao Pao... seem to be quite cute, not as scary as the group said.

    But other fans in the group didn't think so, they were also watching the live broadcast.

    【@超爱zhuangzhuang, what are you doing? People are calling you aunt, you still laughing]

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