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    I don't know if it's a common nature of the cubs, they all like small rooms, small beds, and they all like to sleep together.

    Even the hot summer is no exception.

    With the sunroof open and the wind picking up, they pulled the covers over.

    I slept until 7 o'clock in the morning, and had a good night's dream.

    Bubble huddled into a ball, lying in his father's arms, and whispered, "It's the same as when I was born, it's very comfortable in my father's arms."

    Zhou Conge touched his little head: "Do you still remember what it was before you were born?" How do you feel?"

    "Hmm..." Pao Pao thought for a while, "I only remember a little bit."

    Zhou Porridge patted his butt, "Get up."


    Pao Pao came out of his father's arms, Standing on the bed, he raised his hand and asked Zhou Porridge to help him get dressed.

    They went to the ball last night and wore medieval clothes. The little prince's clothes were a bit complicated, with many buttons, and he couldn't wear them himself.

    Coke put on a princess dress for herself, and then skillfully tied up the skirt of the princess dress.

    "I think we should find some ordinary clothes to wear, this skirt is too inconvenient." "

    I think so too." Tangerine put on her tutor costume.

    After getting dressed, the cubs took their mugs and toothbrushes and lined up to brush their teeth and wash their faces.

    This RV is good everywhere, but there is only one bathroom, which is too inconvenient.

    In the queue...

    The Avengers outside have also woken up and have finished washing.

    The director ordered breakfast from a nearby restaurant and asked them to deliver it here, and the staff had breakfast on the spot.

    Of course, they don't give out to critters in the RV.

    The small animals also counted their food reserves.

    "Two packs of potato chips, two packs of biscuits, a bag of small bread, and a few bottles of water." "

    Everyone eats a little, breakfast should be enough, but what about lunch?" "

    We have to find something to eat "

    "But their car is stuck at the door."

    The RV is huge, with two doors, and the Avengers' cars are blocked at the front and back of the two doors, and they will be caught as soon as they go out.

    Bubble said: "We can wait for my big daddy to bring us something to eat."

    The cubs suddenly realized: "Yes, Bubble's big daddy will definitely give it to us."

    Zhou Congee: "..."

    Zhou Pao Pao, you are such a clever little ghost.

    Zhou Porridge tried to teach him: "No, we have to play games seriously, and we can't always count on others."

    Bubble raised his head: "Big Daddy is not someone else."

    "That's true."

    At this time, photographer Xiao Wang weakly raised Hand: "Let me get some for everyone."

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