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    Sitting in the restaurant, Zhou Congee raised his hand high: "I want the most expensive! The most expensive dish!"

    Cui Feng came up behind him and nodded to the waiter: "Yeah."

    "Yes." The waiter Go down and get ready.

    Cui Feng dragged away the chair and sat down opposite Zhou Porridge.

    Holding his face in his hands, Zhou Conge turned his head to look at the scenery outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, instead of looking at Cui Feng.

    Cui Feng looked at him, "Congee..."

    Zhou Conge covered his face, not wanting to talk to him.

    Cui Feng continued: "We are husband and wife, you can let me help you."

    Zhou Congee's face turned redder, and he covered his face, almost touching his face to the glass to cool down.

    Not long after, the waiter brought the dishes.

    The staff of the program group also got up and started to debug the machine.

    "Congee Congee, Mr. Cui, you got up so early?"

    Zhou Congee was cooking crazily, and Cui Feng responded, "Yes."

    The cameraman said, "Then can we start our live broadcast earlier this morning? The audience really likes to watch you guys." , I put the camera behind the flower stand."

    Cui Feng nodded slightly: "Yes."

    [The early bird catches the worm! Look what I squatted! ]

    [Porridge porridge why do you get up so early? In the novel, it is impossible to get up the next day! ]

    [Sorry, so sorry]

    [Why do you keep eating porridge? Don't say a word]

    [We can't hear you even if you say it]

    [Congee Congee's face is so red, it's early in the morning]

    [I feel that Congee Congee is usually more flirtatious, but in private it's the other way around, I like the contrast and cuteness]

    Zhou Porridge finished breakfast and had a drink.

    The photographer came over and said: "Congee Congee, it's exactly nine o'clock, the show can start."

    Zhou Congee gestured: "No problem."

    "After one night, the curse of the treasure will take effect, and your age will be subtracted Two years old, your current age is twenty-three."

    Zhou Congee:)

    Okay, twenty-three is twenty-three.

    "When you were twenty-three years old, too many important events happened, and these things have always affected your current life trajectory. Please go to the designated place and complete the series of tasks." "The first task location, Pearl Villa.


    At the same time, other guests also got up.

    Jiang Yicheng and Liu Qun first returned to their forties and were filming on the set.

    Ji Yao holds the guitar and composes in his original studio.

    Grandpa Orange chatted with the teachers in the office - there is usually no physics class in the early morning, which is logical.

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