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    For a while, the barrage was boiling.

    [? ? ? ]

    [Who fought for him? ]

    [Unlucky, unlucky, unlucky]

    [He doesn't think he's funny, does he? ]

    [But Zhou Congee is really good-looking, so good-looking so close to the camera]

    [Wait a minute, is he talking in Xuezhuang Lian? ]

    [Zhou Porridge's learning is quite similar, sometimes I think that's how Zhuang Lian talks]

    [Huh? Can this be said? ]

    [Zhuang Zhuang is cute when he talks like this, Zhou Congee is hypocritical]

    [What is he doing? Zhuang Zhuang cares about him, so he learns Zhuang Zhuang's language? ]

    [Zhuang Zhuang drank ice water and hurt his throat, he didn't say that on purpose, some people have German words on their mouths]

    Zhou Conge smiled, his eyes bent like small crescents: "Kangkang...ah, no, Zhuang Zhuang, I know you care about me, but don’t embarrass the program team, okay?"

    Zhuang Lian on the other side of the phone obviously paused: "...OK."

    Zhou Porridge waved his hand at the phone: "See you later Well, I'm looking forward to meeting you too."

    Zhou Conge took Xiao Zai Zai's hand: "Pao Pao, quickly say 'goodbye' to uncle."

    Pao Pao waved his little hand: "Uncle bye."

    "Bye bye." Zhuang Lian Unable to take it anymore, he hung up the phone as if running away.

    Zhou Porridge looked at the host: "You just said that this is the last question, so can we go up and pack our luggage now?" The

    host looked shocked, and before he recovered, he nodded blankly: "But... Yes..."

    "Okay." Zhou Conge led Pao Pao up the stairs, "Zai Zai, let's go, Dad will take you to pack your luggage."

    Bubble raised his head and wrinkled his face: "Dad, can you stop talking like this?" "

    What's the matter? Don't you like Dad talking to you like this? Ang?"


    "Oh." Zhou Congeqing Clearing his throat, "It's over, I can't turn back, cough cough——"

    Zhou Porridge coughed wildly, speaking with his throat in his throat was too hurtful.

    On the other side, in the mansion.

    Zhuang Lian was also being interviewed by the program team. He hung up the phone with a bad face.

    He and Zhou Congee debuted on the same show. At that time, their style was similar to that of sunny and healing teenagers. Later, Zhou Congee debuted in third place and he ranked sixth.

    It seems that from the day of his debut, he was destined to be stepped on by Zhou Congee all the way.

    Because of the collision, all endorsement projects should go to Zhou Porridge first, and all producers should go to Zhou Porridge first. For all projects, Zhou Porridge has to be selected before he has a chance.

    The turning point came three years ago.

    Three years ago, Zhou Congee suddenly announced his withdrawal from the circle, and took a large amount of savings to go abroad for vacation. Later he found out that Zhou Porridge was married.

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