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    Zhou Paopao was going to die of anger!

    He managed to save his father's life—it was actually a piece of orange-flavored candy.

    Just as he thought his father was saved, he took the candy and prepared it for him to eat, but the sound of his father's dismissal came from the radio!

    He's mad at him!

    Bubbles hides behind the door, grinding its baby teeth viciously.

    He won't spare everyone in the Avengers!

    At this time, the little quilt monster Zhou Piao, who was carried on the shoulder by Cui Feng, found him, waved to him, and called him in an angry voice: "Bubble." Bubble ran forward, a little aggrieved: "Dad, I'm

    not Can you hide? How did you get caught?"

    "I'm sorry." Zhou Congee apologized to him, "Dad didn't protect himself well." "

    But I helped you find your life, it was almost..." Bubble As she spoke, she couldn't help but her eyes were red.

    Zhou Porridge quickly patted Cui Feng and asked him to put himself down.

    Zhou Congee got out of the quilt cover, wrapped in a bed sheet, stepped forward quickly, and hugged the poor little Bubble.

    "Bubble, it's not your fault, Dad knows you want Dad to live, but Dad didn't protect himself, I'm sorry, Dad didn't do it on purpose, can you forgive Dad?" [This is obviously a game,

    I My eyes are peeing again]

    [Children tend to take games seriously, Pao Pao really loves Dad]

    [Congee porridge is also good at educating children, this is the first time I see a parent who will apologize to the child for not protecting themselves Of]

    [It's not Pao Pao's fault, nor Porridge's fault, it's my fault, okay? It was my fault! If you want to abuse, abuse me! ]

    [It's all the fault of the program group, I strangled the director to death! 】

    Bubble stretched out his hand, wanting to grab the orange candy in his hand and give it to him: "Dad, this is the 'life' I found for you, you can eat it." Zhou Congee held his hand: "Dad, it's too late to eat

    now Already, you can eat, you have an extra life, and help Dad defeat the Avengers."

    "Yeah." Knowing that he shoulders a heavy responsibility, Bubble nodded earnestly.

    Zhou Conge patted him on the fleshy shoulder: "Long Aotian in the novel, the whole family was wiped out as soon as he came up. After all, his father sacrificed to the sky, and his magic power is boundless."

    Bubble couldn't understand, and was a little confused: "Huh?"

    [? ? ? ]

    [What a disgusting porridge, I was still crying, laughing and crying, my colleagues thought I was crazy] [

    Long Aotian's father would not tell Long Aotian, "Dad sacrifices to the sky, and his magic power is boundless"]

    Zhou Congee took Pull out the slingshot: "Bubble, this is our family's secret treasure, a slingshot, I'll leave it to you now, use this weapon to beat the Avengers all over the place." "

    Okay!" Bubble took it slingshot.

    Zhou Congee asked worriedly: "Are you able to use it now?"

    "Yes!" Pao Pao was very confident and pulled the slingshot.

    Zhou Congee looked at him with relief: "Very good, come on, Pao Pao, Dad believes in you."

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