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Taehyung walked a little faster, before turning around. Caught Jennie off guard and shrieked, curling herself a little sideways. Looking at the young man who were looking intently at her.

The curly haired man, looked at Jennie, passed her hair, and saw what he was looking for. A small but visible scar behind her ear. He sadly smiled a little, looking down. An image of an unfortunate event, flash right through his eyes. When he was a little boy, tied up in a tight thin rope with a very much little brunette girl behind him. Both sitting in a dusty cold floor of an abandoned building.

His thoughts were cut off when he hear the designer talked. " Mr. Kim, to be honest, I feel like a little fool talking to you. So if you may, can we get straight to the point? Could you give us a chance? "

Jennie smiled at him beautifully, hoping for a positive answer from him.

" Can we be friends? " Taehyung asked, looking at Jennie straight in the eye.

Jennie was taken aback, blinking a couple of times before, looking at the man silently finding if it has any indication that he was bluffing her.

But after some time, the brunette chuckled softly, smiling naturally. Her inner beauty showing as she answered. " Why not? I'd be honored to be friends with you Mr. Kim. "

" Tae. " Taehyung said.

" Eh? " Jennie confusedly looked at him.

" Since we're friends now, you can just call me Tae or Taehyung. " He smiled at Jennie for the first time. " Can I call you, Jen-jen? "

Stunned by the dazzling smile the man offering her, Jennie just gave the smile back. " Sure ~ That just makes me feel more relaxed. "

Looking at her smile, Taehyung waited for the brunette to walk beside him, as they went off the grass side of the garden. " As your friend, I'll give priority to your design. "

" R-really?? " The designer's wide eye were make Taehyung thinking that he said the right thing.

Flashing the brunette a tantalizing smile, he answered. " Of course ~ "

Jennie stopped walking for a moment as the Taehyung step a little ahead of her. When she was sure enough the young man wasn't looking. She wiggled her butt a little, producing a small victory dance. Not knowing Taehyung looked over his shoulder, chuckling silently at how cute the designer was.



" That's indeed our Jen! " Their whole little office cheered, once Jennie report them the result.

Blushing a little, Jennie covered her face with the blue folder in her hands. Showing only her cute little feline eyes. " It was just a chance, guys. Come on ~ "

Yerim went near her, hooking an arm to hers pulling her lightly squealing. " Even so ~ It's better than nothing! We do believe in your abilities, he has no reason not to like your design! "

" It won't be easy Yerm ~ " The brunette went to her cubicle, smiling at everyone before she take a sit.

The Concert Hall is indeed small. But it's expected to cater to the needs of both performers and audiences. Every single detail should be made perfect. Jennie thought. Taking a pen over, and look at the blue folder at her hand yet again, containing a little prospect of what Taehyung would like to be the look of his Concert Hall. I need more time to think it over.

Closing her eyes, she was concentrating to picture everything her mind could gather to create a visualize picture of what would the hall look. But he seems very sad when I saw him in the garden.

A man who was born in a rich family. And has risen to fame at a young age. For what is he sad about?

Music inspiration or emotional issues?

" Jennie? " Lisa called, looking at her like she was surprised to see her. She just hummed as an answer. " It's passed time to leave, why are you still here? "

Looking at her wrist watch, it's over working hours now. Seriously, is that how long she was already caught in her thought?

Gathering her things and fixing her table, she smiled gratefully at Lisa. " I'm leaving too, thank you. "

Better find a cafe to work on this ~ She thought excited of her design for the Concert Hall.


Beep! Beep! Beeeeeep!

Traffic jam again? Sigh!

Looking out the window at the driver seat. Jennie spotted a news screen outside a tall building.

A black haired woman waving at the reporters in front of her. Men in black suit were guarding her as she walked gracefully at the red carpet.

A young woman reporter stating what was happening at the said news. ' Kim Jisoo was spotted with a popular female star abroad. And they return to Seoul at the same day. '

Kim Ji-yeon. Jennie figured.

' Kim Jisoo and Kim Ji-yeon have made headlines these days. '

' It's still unknown, how far has Ji-yeon gone with the CEO. '

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