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Jennie went back to the building like a zombie walking in the street. She was a little damp by the rain that were already start pouring.

She was startled when suddenly a hand were placed in her shoulder. " Jen. Didn't you drive today? "

The designer looked at Yerim. Nad answered absentmindedly. " Yeah, I did. "

" Is everything alright? " The younger asked worriedly. Then just the designer regain her senses, she must be strong. Smiling slightly at her friend.

" Yep, I was just lost in my thoughts. " Smiling assuringly at the latter, Jennie started walking away, waving her hands at Yerim. " I'll go ahead. Bye. "

Without any choice, Yerim could only wave back to the brunette.



" So tired ~ " Jennie murmured as she planked down the bed. Still a little wet with the rain, even though she wanted to shower first, she felt really tired. And soon she drowsed off.

Waking up in dawn, wasn't even relief any stress from Jennie. She felt so dizzy but she needed a shower since she couldn't last night.

After taking sometime in a hot shower. Much better now. But I still feel weak.

Wiping her hair dry, she spotted her phone in her bedside drawer. Kai is coming back. I'd better send a message to Irene.

I thought it wouldn't hurt if I just ignore it. It turns out I was just lying to myself.

After Jennie texted her bestfriend, she went back to bed. Reading some book to pacify her time as it was too early. She was considering going back to sleep when her phone ring.

" Hello, Irene! " Jennie answered. Smiling slightly, hearing from bestfriend yet again after so long. " What took you so long? "

" As a lawyer, I am busy with my criminal case. What's with the message Nini? " Irene asked worriedly.

Jennie sighed heavily, standing over the window of their bedroom. " Kai is coming back, rene ~ "

" Wh-what?? Why? I mean.. Why is it so sudden? We have heard nothing at all. " Irene sit down from her office chair, looking at Jennie and her's picture at her office table, she knows how tormenting this might be for her bestfriend. " Wh-what are you going to do? "

" I don't know ~ "

" Nini ~ You know, you'll have to face it, sooner or later. "

" Since you found out the relationship between him and Kim Jisoo, you knee this day will come, right? " The older continued. She couldn't do anything for her bestfriend, it's inevitable, anyways.

" Yes rene ~ " The designer sighed stressfully. " But knowing is one thing, and now I don't know if I can face it. "

" Jen ~ It's been two years. " The voice of the older were too soft. Like she delicately laying out a point. " Perhaps.. Perhaps he has let go? "

Jennie doesn't know when or what topic they ended their call. But once she came back to her senses. Her face were already hot and the dizziness came back.

She gave an advance notice to the firm that she can't go to work for the day. She really felt off.

So dizzy ~ It was like there's a heavy ball rolling in my head.

She went back in the bed. And dozed off.



Clicking the endcall button for the ninth time, Jisoo sighed. Looking at the window with furrowed brows.

Sensing the heaviness of his boss's breathing. Greg cleared his throat, " Maybe Miss Jennie left her phone somewhere, Miss. "

Jisoo just hummed. Closing her eyes tightly. She just wanted to go home.


Jisoo looked at the body under their bed. Jennie was sleeping, in a broad daylight. Doesn't she have work?

Sitting beside her wife, she silently lift her hand to feel Jennie's forehead, checking her. With clenching jaw. She lifted her wife carefully, off the bed. Heading outside.

Seriously, what are you doing to yourself, Jennie? You're burning. You're very sick.

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