Twenty - Six

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From: Irene Bae

Did you meet Kai?

To: Irene Bae

No. I had a fever.

Perhaps, too depressed?

The doctor said, I'm too stressed out.

Jen, Jisoo is his Auntie. You avoided him today. But how ould you avoid him for the rest of your life?

Still. Better to avoid him for now.

Jen, do you still love him?

Jennie blinked. Staring at the question her bestfriend suddenly asked her. She felt a tight knot settling from her chest and stomach.

She looked up and looked at the back view of the raven haired girl standing at the floor to ceiling glass window of her hospital room.

Do I? She asked herself, looking at Jisoo make the clenching of her heart a little painful and somewhat she couldn't identify. She was too engrossed staring at the CEO when her phone vibrated in her hand yet again.

From: Irene Bae

Forget it. You don't need to answer that.

But you must know, you're Kim Jisoo's wife now. No matter what, you can't be with Kai.

I know. She thought, can't be able to reply to Irene anymore. She again felt the pain of her heart breaking, remembering the time she needed to break things off between her former lover and her due to that unfortunate night.

Jennie bit her bottom lip to surpress her feelings to come out. Willing herself to be stronger.



Exhaling the smoke from the cigarette he puffed, Kai looked up at the dark sky silently waiting for his ride.

The tone of his phone notifying him that he got a message, pulled him out of his thoughts.

From: Park Bogum

Our old classmates heard we're back. And invited us to meet at the Heaven Night this Friday.

To: Park Bogum


Kai pocketed his phone back. Throwing the remains of the cigarette once he saw the car near him. He again looked up at the clouded sky and smiled sadly.

It's been three years.

I still love her.

But she didn't wait for me.



" Jen, are you okay now? "

Jennie looked up as Chaeyoung and Karina came for her. She smiled assuringly at them. " I'm much better now, thank you. "

" Don't push yourself too much. " Karina said, as she pat her back softly.

" Jennie, the director wants to see you. " The director's secretary said from the door, startling the three of them.

" I'll be there. " The designer fixed her things once her friends get back to their own stations.

" The Human Resources got the information you got sick due to stress, Jennie. So I'm gonna pause the Emperor's Club Project for now. " Director Park said directly as soon as they got settled by his desk.

Jennie internally sighed out of relief. She had to admit, though she wasn't that pressured about that, the said project was still a pain in her ass. But to her utmost disappointment, the bigger problem is about to come to her in exchange.

" There was this famous lawyer came back from abroad. He plans to set up a law firm. I'm handing this to you, instead. You better contact him earlier. " The director said, sliding a piece of paper across the table to Jennie saying, " This is his name card. "

Picking the card from the table. The designer froze on the spot. Her hand shake, as she read the name in a gold print from the black and white name card. Kim Jongin.

" He has much influence. If your design is unique, our design will get exposure when the media reports on the new firm. " Director Park continued as the designer couldn't find her voice, still staring at the card in her hand.

Clutching at her skirt, Jennie tried to gain her composure back. Sliding the card back at her boss. " Director, I still wanna try the club. Could you asign this to others? "

" But the others have projects on hand now. " The director said, looking at her in thoughts. Placing his elbow in the table, he scratched his chin, in deep thoughts and continued. " We both know, we can't participate in the competitive presentation. Our company is too small for the Emperor Group. That is why this project will be important for more exposure. "

Oh gosh! Are you playing jokes on me?


" Oh Jennie ~ " Irene said, sensing the stress and pressure her bestfriend might be feeling now. " Though discussing the design doesn't mean you must see him. There is still a way to avoid him. "

Despite the reassurance, the designer can't help but massaged her pounding forehead out of stress. Holding her phone from the left ear to the right, irritably. " I know ~ I just feel uneasy, it seems I'm up to something serious trouble. "

Both bestfriends can't help but sighed. This is the inevitable.

My mind is jumbled with the design, his law firm and the past memories. Jennie sighed.

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