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Greg looked at the photos from the camera and noticed the other photos was already been deleted, only two photos were remaining, one from behind and one from a distance. 

He doesn’t need to be told anything as he already knew what was his boss were doing.

“ Tell him not to report based on his imagination, I don’t like that. “ Jisoo said, facing the glass wall of the office.

Nodding his head, he bowed once and turn to leave once he said, “ Yes, I’ll warn him, Miss Kim. “

Jisoo was left alone, looking outside her office. She exhaled, circling the drink from her hand as she basked in her thoughts.

A money loving woman ~

Her happiest time is when I give jewelry to her. She won’t be loyal in love. But,

How could she kiss another person so outrageously?

If I don’t give her a lesson, she won’t have some restraints.

Her thoughts were cut when she heard her phone rang from the table. Walking towards it, she picked up the call, when she saw who was it. “ Hello? “

“ Soo ~ My mom wants me to ask you, “ Kai said on the other line of the phone, walking out of the backyard of their house. “ Can you take auntie to dinner at Jerry’s tonight? “

“ Oh, Kai not these two days, I’m busy. “ She dismissed, sitting back to her chair, she prepared her papers back to it’s folder.

“ Soo, I’ve been back for three days. And we haven’t met. “ Kai tried to plead her, speaking informally at Jisoo, as there were not that much of a gap in their ages. Jisoo was just 5 years older than him so basically they just bonded when they were younger. “ Besides, I don’t even know how my auntie looks like. “

Jisoo chuckled darkly, she knew Kai was just bored sitting around the house all day. “ You are not going to leave anymore, anyway. Seeing her was just a matter of time. Right? “

Kai sighed, smiling as he looked around the backyard, he looked up from the cherry blossom tree in front of him. “ You’re right. But if you can’t make it these two days, I have to put it off for a while, “ 

“ Hmm? “ Jisoo asked absentmindedly as Greg came back to her and hands her a report from financial department, looking at it while she let her phone in speaker mode.

“ Well, the professor at Seoul Uni asked me to give lectures. I can’t reject, “ Kai continued, sitting behind the tree. “ Also Bogum and I are preparing for the law firm so I’ll be busy soon. “

Jisoo signed the papers before she hands it back to Greg and picked up her phone, placing it again in her ear. “ Fine. Wait till you finish your work, we’ll make time to meet up. “

Smiling, Kai lift a hand, in time to catch a lone cherry blossom leaf from the tree. “ Okay ~ Let’s leave it at that. Gotta hang up now. “

Once he heard Jisoo’s goodbye. He ended the call and rested his back to the tree behind him. Looking sadly around. Jennie yet again invade his thoughts.

Korea seems to be like what it is, but she wasn’t.



Sitting at the balcony, Jennie was staring at the dark sky, full of bright stars above her.

“ I heard that you met Kai last night? “ Irene asked from the phone, pulling Jennie out of her reverie. 

“ I see, words get around so fast. “ Jennie sat up properly, adjusting to not put any pressure to her injured foot. “ I was at Heaven Night for a colleague’s birthday. He was there too, “

“ So, what did you two say to each other? “ Irene asked directly, she knows Jennie needed someone to talk to about this stuff.

Sighing deeply, Jennie looked up again at the unbothered night sky above her. “ What else can we say, rene? After yesterday, I feel what I’m afraid of isn’t that I will meet him again. But that if he knows who the person I am married to. “

“ Jen ~  Sooner or later, he’ll find out. “ Irene said, giving Jennie a little time to breathe before saying, “ Unless, you divorce Jisoo right now. “

“ Unrealistic, “ Jennie mumbled, looking at her lap in distress. The contract isn’t equal. No, each of us just take what we need.

But one clause says that, only Jisoo can ask for a divorce while I can’t.

Jennie thought, Irene knew what her marriage was for her, but some consequences were remained for the knowledge only Jisoo and her have.

“ Oh, by the way, how did you find out we met yesterday? “ Jennie asked to divert the conversation from that certain point.

She talked to Irene for sometime, drowning herself at her sorrows and broken heart.

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