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" J-jen I'm s- " Kai looked at her regretfully. He was about to walk around the table close to her when the designer face him, smiling.

" It's fine. " Jennie said still smiling, even her cheek hurts and burns from the slap she received. She pushed a folder to Kai, before standing. " If you agree on this design plan. Please sign here. "

" Sorr- " Kai said softly, he felt more terrible looking at Jennie's smile, even her left cheek was red from the slap. He's cursing himself in his head for not holding himself, but Jennie beat him to it and shouted at him.

" Mr. Kim, please sign this! " Jennie lowered her head, she's fighting her tears from falling, she wants all this to be done. She just want all this to be done.

Awfully, Kai get the folder from the table and signed it as fast as he could. Once done, he looked up at her again, sliding the folder back to her. " Jen ~ "

" Don't call me like that. We're not that intimate with each other. " Jennie said coldly, gathering all the files she has in the table quickly. " Thank you for your cooperation, Mr. Kim. You can go now. "

Jennie was fast walking her way to the door, not even looking back at him but before she could even get away, Kai was behind her, holding her wrist, keeping her from getting out of the room. She wiggled her wrist off his grip murmuring a ' Let me go! ' but his hold was too tight and she was about to cry. But hold it in will all her might and face him, giving him the most dangerous look she could master. " I said, let me go! "

Letting her wrist go, Kai could only looked at her retreating form in despair. Rubbing his hands to his face calling her name sadly.



Jennie hold unto the railings of the stairs before slumping down at the steps, crying her eyeballs out. Her cheek hurts and her heart was shattering, her body is trully exhausted from all events happening in her life.

It turns out, hiding from the truth will merely push me into the abyss of despair. Even so, I could only bear it in silence.

She cried and cried and cried until she couldn't figure out when will it stop.

Minutes of agony, her phone was blaring, someone was calling her. Picking it up, she looked at the caller's name sadly before taking a deep breath and answered it the most calmly she could do. " Hello? "

Silence engulfed her for a mere seconds. And it only made her shed more tears, apparently, knowing Jisoo was there, even on the other line, made her vulnerable. But she held herself in, and waited to hear from her. After she felt like eternity, a husky and calm voice was saying her name. " Jennie. "

" Chu ~ " Jennie called softly, biting her lip when even her heard the slight quiver from her own voice.

Jisoo still in silence, listening from her phone, she doesn't know why and how, but from unknown reason, she could feel a fraction of sadness sipping from the other line. Which torment her, cause Jennie was the one on the other line. Holding her phone tightly, she asked the brunette softly, " What's wrong? "

" Nothing. I'm just too excited for suddenly hearing your voice. " Jennie said, wiping her tears away. She just wished the raven was there to pick her up just like everytime. And it only made her eyes got teary again. " Chu ~ I miss you so much. "

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