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Jennie’s grip at Jisoo’s suit loosened as her sobs subsides. Jisoo, on the other hand, just hold her firmly, running a soothing hand at the brunette’s back. Jennie took a deep breathe, before facing her wife. Looking up, “ Chu ~ Why are you here? “

Jisoo snorted softly, looking at her wife’s puffed face. She tucked a strand of brunette’s hair behind her ear before leaning in, nuzzling a soft kiss in Jennie’s forehead.

“ Someone cries like a stray cat. I came to pick her up. “ 

“ I’m not a stray cat ~ “ Jennie pouted, tucking her face to Jisoo’s chest, blushing.

The raven smiled, pulling Jennie closer to her, caressing the small designer’s cheeks. “ Hmm ~ Yes, you are not. “ 

Jennie feel her whole body boiled with too much softness from Jisoo, well, it’s true, Jisoo always took care of her, but her wife never got this soft before. She wasn’t complaining, though. But it’s too much for her, it makes her whole face flushed.

Realizing where they are, she pulled away from Jisoo a little, enough for her to face the raven fully and smile sweetly at her. “ Chu, I feel quite ashamed. Could you leave first? “

“ I’ve watched you for a long time. I kept watch just now lest others would see it. You can’t burn the bridges like this. “ Jisoo said smiling back at her, she knows what Jennie was trying to do. What am I really to her?? This woman, really.

Jennie smiled awkwardly at her, she was crying inside, Jisoo won’t leave. She was thinking if someone caught them with each other again. 

“ Have you had lunch? “ Jisoo asked charmingly. 

Jennie suddenly looked sparkling, given an idea, she answered. “ Yes I have ~ you can go back to work now. “ 

“ Oh, you have? “ Jisoo narrowed her eyes on her. “ But in order to find you, I haven’t. “

I wanna goooooo ~ Jennie cries internally. She sniffed, wiping her eyes. She detached from Jisoo and made her wife look at her. “ Look how ugly I am now. I can’t face the others, so please eat on your ow-”

“ Jennie?? “ Jisoo called worriedly, as the brunette suddenly got dizzy and leaned her whole body to her. “ Jennie! “

Jennie hold her head in one hand and let the other one hold unto Jisoo for support. Her head hurts, it was pounding painfully from all the emotions and all the crying she have done. 

She looked up and give Jisoo a small small, “ I-I’m okay. Just a little dizzy. Maybe I squatted for too long. “

Jisoo just looked at her disapprovingly, before leaning forward and lift Jennie bridal style.

Jennie blushed furiously, but she had no strength to argue with Jisoo, so she just let her carry her. Also she secretly enjoyed being carried by Jisoo around, she can smell and snuggle closer to her this way.

“ Where to? “ Jisoo asked.

“ I wanna go home, Chu ~ “

“ Later I need to go back to work. “ the raven said, carrying her out of the building. “ Wait for me for dinner tonight. “

Jennie leaned in giving Jisoo a peck in the cheeks before cuddling to her neck. “ Okay. “



My eyes were swollen, I can’t let others see me like this. I must do something. Jennie sighed. She already have an ice pack in her eyes, as she lay back to their couch.

Vibrations from her phone, made her sit up and look, her co workers leave her a message, worried about what happened to her. She typed a reply letting them know that she’s okay and have nothing to worry about.

Sigh! I feel so messed up.

The brunette pull her knees up to her chest as she hugged her body closer, she felt drained and exhausted and sad with all the things happening.


“ Put this towel on your face. You can’t go see your professor at the University like that. “ Bogum said, holding a cold towel, offering it to his bestfriend.

Kai puffed a smoke, back facing him, he was looking outside the window absentmindedly.

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